Updates from ThinkSport: Highlights from SportAccord & More

Updates from ThinkSport: Highlights from SportAccord & More

Dear ThinkSport community, ?

While we diligently work to relaunch some sections of our website, I am thrilled to reconnect with you in this slightly revised monthly update to share some of the exciting highlights from my recent attendance at SportAccord and provide an update on our activities and upcoming events.

This highly anticipated event once again brought together International Sports Federations, cities, rights holders, and businesses, all focused on shaping the future of sports collaboration. ?For ThinkSport, SportAccord provided a valuable platform to reunite with longstanding collaborators, forge new connections, and explore fresh avenues for collaboration. ?

In partnership with the Centre for Sport and Human Rights we delved into strategies to deepen our collaboration, especially as we approach the next edition of THE SPOT. With our friends from World Archery , we brainstormed potential 2021 - 2024 Booster Sport & Physical Activity topics, while our discussions with Wiz-Team centered on the integration of their cutting-edge technological advancements into THE SPOT. ?

SportAccord was not only about reconnecting with familiar faces; it also offered an opportunity to welcome newcomers to the ThinkSport Ecosystem and broaden our understanding of less mainstream sports, such as my meeting with the International Federation of Camel Racing. ?Moreover, the discussions surrounding #WomenInSports were both enlightening and inspiring. Engaging with passionate advocates for gender equality filled me with hope for a more equitable future in sports, one that is not merely an ideal but a tangible reality. ?

I am grateful for the valuable connections made and insights gained during my time at SportAccord, and I am eagerly looking forward to the promising developments that lie ahead. ?

If we missed the chance to connect in person at SportAccord, I want to extend a warm invitation to visit ThinkSport's headquarters at the Synthatlon. The team and I are always available for coffee, chat, or to explore collaborative opportunities anytime. ?

Best regards,

Claudine Breton , Director of ThinkSport

Vaudoise Arena provides perfect setting for second "Return to Play" session

Following its successful launch in Sion, the 2021 - 2024 Booster Sport & Physical Activity Activity "Return to Play" continued with a follow-up session fittingly hosted at the Vaudoise aréna .

This second session saw an eager group of 15 participants focus on creating efficient teams, narrowing down their ideas, and identifying which ones to focus on and bring into the test phase.

The identified teams and ideas will then benefit from the 35 thousand Swiss francs allocated by Innosuisse to kick off the next phase of development, which includes testing. ?

Want to know more about the Innovation Booster and ongoing challenges?

Head here: https://booster.thinksport.org/en/

Join the Changing the Narrative in Sport Summit 2024 Changing the Narrative

Changing the Narrative in Sport (CTN) is excited to announce it is returning to Lausanne, on May 16th, and addressing a new theme: Harnessing the Power of Storytelling in Women’s Sport. This summit will be an inspiring evening featuring top industry professionals sharing knowledge, perspectives and practical tips on how to leverage storytelling as a powerful tool to elevate women’s sport.??

Panel discussions will focus on crucial topics including leveraging digital innovation for increased visibility and fan engagement, championing women athletes through successful campaigns, and addressing gender biases in sports portrayal. The event will feature speakers from @EBU, Two Circles, IOC, FIBA, ECA, and more. For more information about panel topics and the full speaker line up, visit: https://shorturl.at/tBJY4?

Event Details:?

???Date: 16 May, 2024?

??Time: 5:00 - 9:00 PM?

??Location: Synathlon Building, UNIL - Université de Lausanne

??? Tickets are on sale at https://buy.stripe.com/eVa7tZ1cpdVNezK4gZ

Ticket proceeds will be donated to Longboard Girls Crew Switzerland, a volunteer-led organisation that promotes and empowers girls and women in male dominated sports.?

Join us on May 16th for an evening of important conversation on all things storytelling and sport.

You can learn more about CTN and this year's summit theme at www.ctnsports.org.?

Was great to catch-up with you at SportAccord! Looking forward to innovating event delivery together in 2024 #eventtech

