Updates to the Employee Representation Guide - edition 4
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Understanding the function, authority, and rights of HSRs is made possible for both employees and employers through the Employee Representation Guide. It provides an overview of additional representational structures, such as health and safety committees, designated task groups created in accordance with the OHS Act, and a variety of relevant data and resources.
Part 7 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 2004's Employee Representation Guide (ERG) has been updated by WorkSafe (OHS Act). Health and safety representatives (HSRs), employers, and other parties involved in OHS representation at work can find a wealth of information in the Employee Representation Guide.
It contains updated details on labour-hire employees, designated work groups, modifications to HSR authorities, and other significant enhancements. For information on the function and responsibilities of HSRs, their rights and privileges, and other facets of employee representation on health and safety issues, it is a useful resource for HSRs, Deputy HSRs, employers, and their representatives.
Download a copy here.
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