Updated: World War III, Friday the 13th - Update4
UPDATE on the Update: In a rush to make the Friday the 13th deadline I bypassed my own Editor hat and missed chunks of the article NOT limited to visual aids that make the reading experience so much more palatable. Please excuse the author for whom English may be native by now yet still is a 5th language. The update hopefully takes care of some of the overly democratized grammar too.
Welcome to the 4th edition of World War III Updates and Happy Friday the 13th! Last week we saw a series of dispersed victories. As we approach the orange take over, the uncertainty sinks further in. However, commander and chief Biden and his administration continues to set things up for the next 4 that will hopefully curb the belligerence of top and the bottom back in the Land of the Free. One of such acts, a domestic win, was the release of First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate. This serves a good segue to the mission of this newsletter, which is Intersectional Global Security.
The public document pretty much confirmed that even folks not particularly religious or NOT even Muslim who in any way perceived as Muslims are discriminated against when reaching for opportunities in education, employment, public accommodations, land use, housing, health care, and access to financial services. When Chinese investors put their figure heads into the C-suite and those in turn like to hire Russians, our majority demographic easily looks the other way or even looks up to the skewing likely due to familiarity the most are hard wired to prefer by their adulthood. If we learned anything from now archaic immigration practices of the US, and more recently the Chechen wars of Russia, and Uyghur "re-education" camps with family operating Han Communist China - compounding biases do no Muslim justice even if they are part of We The People of The United States of America. It is much more alarming when the world is already polarized despite people's desire to isolate. We may turn away from the world as a polarized pressure cooker. Neither the investors nor the global corporations we often mistake for our interests are isolated and can spark the ignitor intentionally or otherwise. Perhaps it is time for counter measures to sneak into their biased operations under sheep skins that our majority sensors are blind to by default. Of course, the Muslims with colonial heritage have been waiting forever longer. I am writing this article from the former all-white, KKK capital of the West and unfortunately see no black Muslims to rejoice with even today.
There is an argument that Islamists extremist groups are a problem hurting the world. It is definitely true. Whether it is Boko Haram or gangbanger militarized as ISIS, Muslims are still taking on the brunt of their hate and minorities catch it too. There are Muslims on both sides of the polarized world, with many stuck against their will, while drones, IEDs and artillery reach shelve lives no longer. A subscriber found the series lacking emphasis on Palestinian death toll despite the newsletter having reiterated the ICC ruling about Bibi, and his former Defense Minister, as well as the Hezb leadership. In all honesty the latest attack on Israel didn’t seem to have more than a few thousand belligerents. The death toll from retaliation by a state that was built for practitioners of religion honoring eye-for-eye seems excessive. Moreover, there are Israelis on Israeli side of tunnels we never hear about (perhaps comment if not true) in the mainstream. Yet there is a line, heavily backed by the fallen Assad regime and Iran on one side, had been defined by the poles. There are confirmed acts of sabotage by locals deep inside Europe, why do Israelis look the other way down South?
Whether it is crusades of neo-Romans, or the neo-Byzantines, those who invite them don't seem to fare well in the Near and Mid. East in the long term, historically speaking. Christian and Muslim alike eventually stand up to advancing Russia (or Western knights with murderous gangs) due to their genocidal policies, and end up refugees in Türkiye, Jordan, Israel and perhaps Palestine (if there was much of it intact still) among other places - i.e Circassians and the rest of the North Caucasus. We cannot really avoid being labeled racist without reiterating that not all conquest or cultural transitions are equal. The intersectionality relies on power dynamics to define racism. Thus in global power dynamics some of the cultural expansion replaced populations not only culturally but genetically, thus they are indeed genocidal. Talking about population in genetic terms is NOT racist but rather highlights the vector of genocidal expansionism. In that light consider two maps below:
It is clear that much of both North and South Americas’ Qs, and Cs; and Australia’s, Ks and Cs, Indian subcontinent’s Ds, Cs, Ls, Hs; N. Asia’s Cs, Gs, Js, Qs, Ns, Ds, got replaced by R1a in the East and R1b in the West. Much of it happened through industrialization and the linguistic trends give us clear clues how that went about. While populations have distributions of haplogroups change in dominance is a superb indicator of a significant population replacement. Despite all that Africans have suffered they maintain their genetic resilience and diversity in the continent of Adam Y. There is a clear line of Js and Cs, and a pocket of Ds in EuroAsia that is pinched by Euro-Russian R1 expansionism to the North and the Indo-Chinese R1-O3 to the South and East. The R1s to the North were fueled by "Guns, Germs and Steel" genocidally limiting the New World access to Western Europeans and their Germanic-speaking relatives ruling the R1a to the East. The R1a of Indian subcontinent while may have rode back in on horseback at some point didn't really start exploding in suffocating fashion until the British colonial 80% tax rate that lead to a demographic crisis and also reversed the industrializing society to an extremely agricultural one. The Os of China, blew up on Ma's orders, with Han Chinese continuing to spill over into S.E. Asia and Tibetan plateau, with Tibetans and Uyghurs at the brink of genetic extinction paired with a cultural one.
With that^ cleared away, let’s now look at the Caucasus region as a line of contact between the neo-Axis Russia leads today, and the world that is free or aspiring to be. We have a crisis where some people of Caucasus due to 400 (give or take) years of genocides by R1a carriers, and through sheer resilience of will of their mothers managed to maintain their cultures despite losing almost every man to murder, starvation or harsh conditions of Stalin’s gulags. Their genetic trace is mostly severed, their temples burnt and monuments carved over in an Indo-European writing or turned into grazing grounds and pig farms. We have the others, who with past proximity to crusaders now claim nativity while with the share of R1b in population marginally higher than the surroundings, invite the Russian expantionism (or they used to, hopefully they are about to come around). In contrast, those hiding from the great evil to the North, who had forcefully genetically drifted towards R1 shot the former in the back or otherwise every historic chance they get. The R1 dominant population of Europe, fattened up on New World access, in effort to divide and conquer, splits the MidEast and stuffs it along their own genetic, linguistic and religious lines. We end up with old Js and Gs pushed aside to make room for R1b-skewed former crusader castles claiming Urartian heritage while speaking Indo-European. In the meantime, the Hurro-Urartian-speaking Christians Georgians to the North are mostly Gs and Js all shaped by pre-industrial nature of floods and glaciers, the mountains of Great Caucasus, valleys and deserts moated by seas and lakes that match the seas. After the last genocide, the crusader-siding Armenians, Yezidis and Assyrians were pooled to form Armenia. Christians who maintained their Hurro-Urartian linguistic identity formed Georgia. All the Muslims around the valleys of river Kur to the West of Caspian formed Azerbaijan and picked Azerbaijani. The Turkic language of J dominant population is full of what outsiders perceive as archaisms dating to Sumerians, while Hurro-Uratian-speakers are also in the hills. The Caucasians (once Gs, Js, Cs, perhaps Qs and others, but with entire nations often left at a bottle neck without any men) of the North, while the R1a-dominated Cossacks and Russians have pillaged through the Pacific and perhaps all the way down California coast, still cluster in the mountains, occasionally forced to murder Ukrainian folk while Kadyrovized in Russia. Many of them won a war against Yeltsin’s Russia. Yet R1a Russian population is still stuffing their lands from Sukhumi to Gyumri. This spells out the genocidal Russian Preferred Nations policy in Caucasus. Armenia gets a state because there was a genocide and the Circassians along with dozens of other nations have to murder neighbors under a gun and not get a state because their genocide led to Armenian genocide. Perhaps we should tell the story of the Armenian genocide starting from the Circassian one more often…. Followed by those of native cultures carrying Cs, Gs, Js, Qs, Ns, Ds, haplogroups of N. Asia.
The Azerbaijanis and Armenians exchange populations recently, deepening the polar divide, but at the end of the day they both have countries so there is room for a lasting peace. Although the idea of monolingual nation-state is sad for part of the world with exceptionally high linguistic diversity. Moreover, while Armenia is still hosting Putin’s external air base unlike anyone in S. Caucasus, they learned that relying on Russia is a wrong move, and now are signaling attempts to move away. Whether they have political independence left to stand up to Russian domination dictated by Dashnaqs (used to be ones of the Karabakh clan) is up in the air. The Armenian mafia, however, is present in Circassian and occupied Georgian lands and is aiding Russian oligarchs with settling more R1s in those territories while its own population has dropped by more than half since the 90s (and doubled in California). While the hope for lasting peace between Azerbaijanis and Armenians exists, the N. Caucasians, who are continually losing their coastal lands to R1 inlanders, still keeping books on eyes and teeth among other things... and no longer in clay tablets.
There is a place for peace, nonetheless. For example, after 2008s futile and violent resistance, Georgia is setting a good example with its ongoing peaceful resistance at times referred to as #plaidrevolution still countered violently by the gov led by a pro-Russian oligarch. Between the first and the second Karabakh wars, judging by significant scale back in casualties and duration, eye-for-an-eye was chosen to be respected, however. At the end of the day the people with mutations native to nooks and crannies of local geography truly are a living worldly heritage and perhaps one day will unlock some biological truths the AI hasn’t had enough samples to learn yet.
Back to even more complicated conflict - Israel-Palestine. Crusaders have gone back and forth in this neighborhood and eventually left as well. Moreover, feeling betrayed, Ottomans sold much of today’s Israel to Zionist who got the gist of German attitudes back during the WWI. In that they stuck it to Arabs but also the Samaritans, Druze, Circassians and Turks, Christians, Muslims and otherwise, for whom Palestine was also home. Perhaps it was unfair to just bunch them all as Arabs when UN after the second WW, and a very significant genocide of European Jews declared Israel a Jewish-Arab state. Whether intended or NOT, the anti-Zionism and antisemitism encouraged in the MidEast by the Soviet Union only strengthened the Zionist and justified their cause. A very unfortunate development that was very real. Nonetheless, it said and written that Moses had gotten a God-given “exodus visa” out of Egypt. And although, per scripture, it took them 40 years to get naturalized, AND Assyrians and Persians moved them to counter Hurrians now under Indo-European persecution for millennia, AND centuries later it was the Turks- the former Bhudist among other religions of Tibetan Plateau to Caspian lowlands, now at the helm of khalifah's armies, who carried them all the way to Spain and back again with the Reconquista, AND even with all the whitewashing by Germans they are still middle eastern, even when half of them started out with Yiddish as first language. Most would argue that Yiddish is as Germanic as Koine is Greek- perhaps they are German and third-culture too. Soon to be a quarter of their population, the mostly formerly Yiddish speaking ultra-conservative, don’t even believe in a Jewish state. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Uniting in spirit as locals, be it Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists and otherwise against all the crusaders and their hosts could bring about a long peace in the Near and Middle East and hopefully the Caucasus. USA’s isolationism, and at least a decade of nearly forcing the allies to pull their own weight, jives well with the latter vision. Despite the uttered occasional confusion of suburban flighters, if the Axis to encompass Russia, China AND India, we really would need every ally enabled and enabling. Thus we should be done with crusades right about now.
It is very sad that so many Palestinians die, while Jewish lives matter too. If the megaliths behind the Hezb and Hamas dominos are removed, there'll be more room to end the deadly adversity. Israel doesn't seem to mind a disproportionate flesh debt when Iran & Assad, or Hezb & Hamas are backed up by a Russian wall. For everyone's sake let's please try something new.
The international Judiciary system needs teeth to enforce the amicable solutions. That said, removing Assad does not guarantee that Syria or Iraq will stay peaceful as the world continues to be polarized. On the other end of that dilemma are the borders that Israel moves preemptively. Even if there is no more room for Palestinians there are plenty of sympathizing masses wherever Palestinians get pushed to. In other words who is on the other side of the border does NOT change if you move it. To prevent Egyptian-style winging in Syria or Iraq into the axis’ orbit, Israel will have to figure out how to be attractive to surroundings without deadly adversity. Being friendly with Turks alone is NOT enough as Egypt and others in MidEast want to have a sway of their own. It’s doubtful they’ll be in the EU anytime soon. Perhaps they ought to think in terms of Alexanderesque swath of Earth with more democracy and secularism if Ottomans are still a painful past. Perhaps West Iran to Aleppo, and North Caucasus to Kuwait can do their own pre-NATO Neo-Hurrian/Neo-Babylonian union until Türkiye is ready to abandon EU ambitions and join them. Maybe by then the formerly X-stans of Central Asia flip polarities away from Big Russia for good and help tip Africa and MidEast. Perhaps we have the sequence backwards. It would be most dangerous for Israel and the World if Israel is land grabbing against neighbors who dumped the Russian axis. Azerbaijanis and their allies respect Armenia’s international borders, despite the Karabakh war that lasted for 30 years, for a good reason. The signal from the Northern allies is: “Respect the International Law and hopefully the kin won’t send the wrath of Teymur Leng to judge and enforce”. It is a lesson from history that should jolt YeruSalami and Baghdadi alike. If the question’s why form such large unions? - perhaps to provide a judiciary overhead with teeth. Not to say that Timurs army got to Jerusalem, they rather defeated the Golden and White Hordes with rule of law that spared no amir's mother. What came after him most definitely reached Jerusalem and Egypt.
Enjoy Friday the 13th, perhaps play some Balkan music to remember the conquest without population replacement and shoot off some fireworks to NOT forget the gunpowder empires rose unlike R1b that with same guns, germs and steel erased much of the New World, Australia and Siberia's histories. Stay tuned for more updates, subscribe, share and comment.