Updated standards provide enhanced support for CO2-based road tolling
Source: based on slide of CEN/TC 278/WG 1's task force on the Eurovignette

Updated standards provide enhanced support for CO2-based road tolling

It is surely a challenge for EETS Providers and Toll Chargers to fulfil the legal requirements set by the updated Eurovignette Directive.

The new public draft standards that define the associated electronic data elements will hopefully make it a little easier for EETS Providers and Toll Charger to implement compliant products and services.

The machine-readable data definitions can be obtained free of charge at

whereas the core standards can be purchased via ISO and CEN National Members.

The presentation EU CO2-based tolling – Eurovignette Directive and EFC standards provides an overview of the Co2-related requirements of the Eurovignette Directive, including nine related legal acts.??

A big thank you to all the experts - Fausto Caneschi , Andreas Goldhorn , Manfred Haase , Yoshifumi Hayakawa , Weiyun Jiao , LEE Kyungbo , Ola Martin Lykkja , Maarten Malaise , Daniel Ohst , Albertus Pretorius , Jakub Rajnoch , Robert Rausch , Sara Rosi , Jasja Tijink , Bernard Vergnet ,... - who contributed to the updating of the standards.

AETIS - Association of Electronic Toll and Interoperable Service


DSRC Interest Group



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