An Updated #NewHealthcare Platform Model | Which Company is the Best Example for Platform Builders | Last Weeks Most Important News!
Sam Basta, MD, MMM, FACP, CPE
Senior Executive & Strategic Advisor | Value-Based Medical Technology & Care Delivery Platforms | LinkedIn Top Voice
Hello again friend and colleagues,
Based on the feedback I received from the recent survey, you'll notice a little change in today's newsletter structure. In addition to my thoughts and analysis, I'm also adding a just links section below. Keep the feedback coming!
I recently updated my Human-Centered #NewHealthcare Competency Maturity Model structure which I recently shared and am including in today's newsletter.
You can see the elements of each dimension. The players are starting to separate into two main categories. The #NewHealthcare Platform Builders are making moves in all the dimensions and the majority of elements. And the #NewHealthcare Enablers who are focusing on just a few dimensions and elements. The enablers are using partnerships (a good article from McKinsey under the Platform links section below) to complement the areas that they are not addressing. It's going to interesting to see which areas end up being where the value is concentrated. One of risks that enablers are taking is that if they misjudge where future value is going to be concentrated they will end up losing significant returns on their healthcare investments.
In my opinion, I think the future winners area going to be the platform builders. The company that I think provides the best model for platform builders might be a surprise. I've been watching that company for years and I think they have built the most effective model for success in the data/artificial intelligence/machine learning ago. That company is Tesla! Some might think that Tesla is a car company. And lessons learned could there possibly be for healthcare in a car company. Tesla is actually a data/artificial intelligence company that just happens to make cars. A Tesla car is a sensor-rich computer that uses artificial intelligence to manage many aspects of the battery and the electric motors that move that computer around. They also transmit much of that data to the central hub where it is aggregated and used to train much better AIs. And I'm not talking about self-driving here which is more controversial, I'm just talking about the car function controls.
Another very important characteristic of Tesla is that it is very vertically integrated. They make the cars, they make the factories that make the cars, they make the software that runs the cars and the factories, they make the computers that will soon analyze the data and create the artificial intelligence models (Dojo), they make the charging stations that charge the cars, and they also own and operate those charging stations, they are starting to make the batteries that will go in the cars, and most recently they announced that they will start refining the Lithium that will go into those batteries!
The auto industry is a very old and rigid industry. There was a model that worked and became calcified. It was hugely fragmented with lots of interdependent parts that each learned to be profitable under the current systems. From the car providers (the dealers), the device makers (the auto suppliers), the insurance companies (the insurance companies), and the research and development centers (the auto makers). Trying to rearrange all of those parts, their complex relationships, and regulations that governed the industry was impossible. A highly integrated and innovative company was needed to move things forward. I think successful #NewHealthcare Platforms will need to do the same. They would be well served to study Tesla.
Time to bring this newsletter to a close. Keep the feedback coming.
See you next week,
I share news and analysis about the companies and technologies driving the Mobile/Retail/Home?#NewHealthcare ?transformation. Opinions are personal, based on public information, and not reflective of current or past affiliations.