Updated! The Winners are known. I will contact you in August. :-)
Thanks to my peers I have 4 introduction meetings scheduled. 1 was already last week, and very appealing :-) and hopeful for a second meeting with this company! keep you all updated in the coming week!
I will communicate the top Friends who will introduce me to possible new EMPLOYERS. With a special thank you to my friends of TESLA MOTORS I have a surprise for my dear top friends. of course if they prefer not to be mentionned, I will use a Disney name :-)
I will give them the opportunity to DRIVE the TESLA MODEL S 90D electric powered, more... the car will be equipped with the latest AUTO-PILOT software. so let's hit the highway together!
Amongst these friends there will be 1 who gives me the winning opportunity at my new employer (exciting for me too ...kippevel :-)) It will be my number 1 friend :) and this Lucky guy or girl will drive the MODELS for a whole week-end, fully power charged.
I 'm very happy to share this nice sustainable experience with you. I'm blessed! I know. VERY EXCITED TO MEET MY NEW EMPLOYER VERY SOON!
"love the fun factor, but Always serious and responsible in what I'm doing"