Update your CV, it might change your life
Goran Nikolov
Recruitment consultant that help companies to find perfect match for their open positions
Do you remember the last time you updated your CV? You know, that one document where you gather up all your accomplishments and qualities.
Maybe you forgot, maybe you’re into that comfort zone where you don’t feel the need of changing your job, or maybe you are now a senior and you don’t really care about your employment application.
All of these three options are bad. There could be a chance around the corner and you might miss it because you’re too lazy to write a sentence or two or because you are disappointed. Turn on your computer and update your CV – who knows, it might change your life.
Follow these important steps:
1. Remove really old experiences
If you’ve been working with the same CV since you graduated, and you’ve just taking on new jobs? If your 5-10 years into your career, or longer its time to remove those entry level jobs and add in more experienced roles to your resume. This will make your CV more relevant and appealing.
2. Add new skills if you have them!
Most likely if you’ve been working for some time, you have acquired more skills, make sure to add them to your CV. It's important to showcase your skillset especially if they are helpful to your new role, but also important for the person hiring you to know.
3. Check your language
Make sure your CV reads well and the language used is professional and up with the times.
4. Refresh your formatting (Times change!)
If you’ve been in your job for some time, most likely your CV is outdated with some old formatting. Check online for some more modern templates and make it visually more appealing.
5. Check your contact information is still correct
Often people change their phone numbers or emails. It's important to ensure your references are still contactable. This is really important, as if they can’t cross check you might not get chosen.
6. Make sure the top half of your CV reads really well
The top half of your CV needs to read really well, and need to draw the employer in, if this is boring they might discontinue read and start on the next. This is very important to get right.
7. Proofread (Yes, Again)
Spelling mistakes can be a deal breaker. Proof read a few times to ensure punctuation and spelling is all correct, you could even get someone else to read over it.
And what about those whose last change is ‘’Achieved promotion to senior grade’’? Yes, it did take a lot of hard work to get there, congratulations, but it doesn’t mean that that’s the end of the path. Life is full of challenges and sometimes that means changing your workplace. Always be prepared – for better and for worse.
The same goes for juniors - although they sometimes exaggerate while writing their qualifications in their CVs (oh, yes you do). There’s no need to write that you speak perfectly 5 languages. You might be ashamed later. Be honest and pay attention to the content more than to the design. Good-looking resume is a trump, but the HR recruiter will highlight your CV only if he/she considers that you can do better than downloading a template or creating a colorful resume.
Feel free to make your CV playful while listing all your qualities and personality traits required for the vacancy. Carefully emphasis those qualities related to the vacancy.
In this age of information overflow, being precise and concise is gold.
If you're lazy with your CV the person reading it can tell, they don’t want to hire someone lazy. So with that being said really invest into making your resume perfect!
Good luck with your job hunting!