Update on TRYBES + Newcastle Startup Week (8 April 2021)
Paul Lancaster
Founder of PLATFORM | UK Startup Week + Business Growth Consultant ???
It's been a while since I posted something on here about TRYBES so I thought I should write a little update on how things have been progressing...
Since the end of last year, we've been having lots of very positive conversations with a wide range of funders, investors & stakeholders from across the UK who can all see the huge potential & benefits of what we are proposing.
After LOTS of iterations of the pitch deck (something I personally found difficult to do) we've got things down to a 15 slide presentation & are now describing TRYBES as 'A data-driven signposting & matchmaking platform for startup communities.'
Although we are still actively speaking to investors, we're considering bootstrapping / self-funding the development of TRYBES using revenues generated from:
- people paying to be a Member of my online Startup Week Community
- people paying to do my '5 Star Focus Programme' (1-2-1 business coaching)
- businesses & organisations advertising their products, services or events on the Newcastle Startup Week website, email newsletter & digital channels
- businesses & organisations paying for advance subscriptions of TRYBES
Everyone who is an existing Member of the Startup Week Community will be given Priority Access to TRYBES when it is built as part of their Membership so if you'd like to help us pay for the development now & aren't already a Member, please consider joining for just £150 at https://newcastlestartupweek.com/community/
(Membership falls to just £100 per person if you pay for 5 or more subscriptions by emailing me at [email protected]).
We'd also appreciate any help you can do to encourage other people to support us too via any of the options above (my recent video below should be useful):
Finally, if you have any questions, please get in touch & don't forget to Follow our LinkedIn Page, Follow us on Twitter @trybesuk & Like us our Facebook Page.
Thanks for reading,
Paul Lancaster (CEO & Co-Founder, TRYBES)