

Hi there!

I know I have been away for some time, and that's why I am writing you this small article.

Since late August, I have started working on a new project as a contractor.

At the same time, a string of training opportunities have come up and taken much of my free time. And these are me training others. I am also always studying and researching new topics related to my work and to my personal interests. This also includes trying to read at least one book every month, often two.

Also, I am trying—this being the operative work—to conclude my Sci-Fi short story book.

Last, but certainly not least, I have a family. And I strive to be as present as possible.

As you can see, I do try to manage my time as efficiently as possible. Still, some things are left aside. (Re)building my Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon; writing this newsletter on a weekly basis; attending networking events, etc.

Hopefully my training appointments will become less time-consuming by the start of 2025. Which means I will manage my time to include more articles and networking.

So I beg you some patience. I promise that I will continue to post, only a little less recurrently until 2025. And I will also continue to post some small bits and insights, as well as comment whenever I feel I have something worthy to share.

Thank you for being there. Enjoy the holidays, regardless of faith or creed.
