Update – The Qatari Files (Version 25/03/20) Musings of an itinerant mind…
Ian Janse van Vuuren MBL, LLB, BA (BMil)
Candidate Attorney | Strategic Leader | Expert Manager | Visionary Thinker | Author | Experienced People Leader.
Qatar? No, indeed not. South Africa. How itinerant can one be…
We were supposed to be back in Qatar by 09 April, but clearly that is not going to happen. South Africa has just declared lockdown for three weeks, and then – who knows? Could be extended – here, there, everywhere. Can already not get into Qatar, even if you are let out here.
Does tend to play a bit of havoc with one’s planning. We were staying with friends on this side, but can’t keep on bothering them. Had to make a plan before midnight on Thursday as to where we will spend the next three weeks. So absolutely gutted with dragging suitcases up and down stairs, I tell you…
Not least of our troubles is the combined job situation. There are options on the horizon, but then, one can hardly blame people for not exactly being too forthcoming out there in the job market at present. Add to this that we still have our stuff in Qatar, in a hotel room that has to be paid for, and the problem is compounded. Even if we are never going back to Qatar, our things still have to get here. The original plan was to have returned with everything in June.
Anyhow. I suppose we all have to deal with our little idiosyncrasies over the next three weeks. Some of us may find it more stressful than others. Personally I have been practising for isolation the past four years so – bring it on!
Perhaps this is the time to do that new course, learn to play that instrument, read all those books, upskill/downskill, write that book, get fit. Whatever tickles your fancy. Busy reading ‘The Fate of Africa,’ so that should keep me busy a while.
And survive. I suppose that’s the priority. The military has been deployed here. That’s one for the books. Even tanks I see. One can only but ponder that… Having been in the military for 20 years I have a very nervous disposition when it comes to people with guns, trained for warfare, having to patrol streets and monitor citizens. Its very easy to get power mad with an automatic rifle in your hands, not to mention an IFV straddled between your legs. Never really worked for me - mixing these roles - despite the obvious requirement now.
Comms lines to need be very direct, clear and open in these times.
Although everyone has been favourably impressed by the swiftness of government action, I find that as we face up to the last 24 hours or so before lockdown, there is still a confusing amount of information lacking, or somewhat grey. Can you go for a run? Can you walk the dog? How will the visiting shops to buy food be controlled exactly? Wine available in the supermarkets? Private security? Dustbin collection? Etc . Visiting the shops this morning was a scary experience as well - lines queuing outside the chemist, as one example, for 100m. What part of ‘don’t panick buy’ don’t people understand? (if they are right and we are wrong though, we are sooo screwed...).
Anyhow, I have a great deal to do, so as long as I have WiFi and my laptop I’ll be relatively OK. There is no television, but in a way that may be a blessing.
Stay strong out there everyone!
A luta continua (really)...
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4 年Thank you for sharing your current personal ordeal with us, Ian! I wish you all the best of luck in getting that sorted ASAP.