OK so one of the frustrations of running the film festival is when talented filmmakers can't be there to receive their awards in person. I know we don't have the funds and often they don't either. So this year I recognised that as a number of B'Oscar winners were in London and Paris, that it was time for me to hit the road and go the extra mile.
So in April 2018 I headed to London with a suitcase full of B'Oscars heading to the BFI Southbank to rendevous with judges Francesca Levi and Rebekah Louisa Smith.
You can see how impressed with the new style B'Oscars they are. Look filmmaking can be very hard work and judging too can be stressful but catching up with these wonderful people was about fun and celebration.
We were at the BFI to meet up with Dan Dixon producer of The Clanker Man and present him with his B'Oscar. The Clanker Man proved to be a big hit with the crowd during the festival and won the Audience B'Oscar by a mile. But in the photo below I wonder if he being sufficiently respectful to the award.........
Next up was Judson Vaughan Horror B'Oscar winner for his fabulously scary and horrific, Burn. Below we see Rebekah presenting the B'Oscar to Judson.
But the journey didn't stop there. After a little sleep I took Eurostar to Paris. I spent Saturday soaking up the atmosphere of that wonderful city and recovering from the previous nights celebrations. On Sunday I woke energised and excited about catching up with Les Beestonian judges Ophelie Marsaud and Thomas Grascouer, as we presented B'Oscar after B'Oscar.
This group shot has Christian Monnier and Christine Braconnier with B'Oscars for the Best in Festival and Best Performance with the amazing film, Jenna. Proudly holding their B'Oscars for Best Comedy, Script and Direction are director Greg Tudela and producer Marc Ribaudo. Their film Petage was a beautifully scripted and directed comedy about a failed robbery.
Here Simon Panay receives his B'Oscar from Ophelie. His documentary, Nobody Dies Here , has won awards across the world and it was great to meet this talented young filmmaker.
I'm not too sure what the restaurant we invaded just outside the Gard du Nord thought about our shenanigans but never had going the extra mile been so much fun! So we will do it all again next year but with film screenings too!