Update about our Hard Realtime Kernel developed in RUST

Update about our Hard Realtime Kernel developed in RUST

In response to my previous post on this work (https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/gourinath-banda_iitindore-multicore-microcontrollers-activity-6844830301114380288-Fy27), I have received several messages asking for the source code. We have released the source code of our #HARSARK_RS hard realtime kernel for dualcore NXP microcontroller on github here (https://github.com/vn-ki/harsark.rs/). It is maintained by #Vishnunarayan.

On a side note, this work received a #best-paper awards at SCI2021 conferenence in #RealtimeSystems track. Congratualtions to all team members.


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