

You all have touched my heart so deeply.... thank you for sharing your stories and experiences, your words of warmth and support, and pictures of the dogs who impacted your lives in indescribable ways. They do... they really, really do, don't they.

Yesterday, Chip lost his sight again and his eyes turned red. Though, this time, he wasn't as freaked out, thankfully. He's handled this far better than I have, that is for sure. I've spent these last days sobbing, grieving, and in mourning... though he's still with me. In reflection, I recall going through this same grieving process in a similar way right before Tucker passed... and he was, very much, preparing me.

Do you all ever remember your dreams? Dream work has always fascinated me. I've had recurring dreams, premonition dreams, catalyst dreams, dreams with very clear and distinct messages....

Tucker was preparing me for his passing through my dreams. The first one I had I was on a hike with him and the dogs. We were hiking up a hill and just coming out of the shade of the forest, when a massive crimson red bird with blue-tipped wings flew over us and snatched Tucker up. The bird flew to the top of a tall post, that had a nest, a wooden platform, and a few short "slides" off the sides. I was crying and throwing rocks at him, yelling, "let him go! Let him go!!". The bird finally did, he dropped Tucker on the platform... then Tuck started to slide down one of the slides and he was freefalling towards the ground. He landed with a thud, and I ran over to see if he was still breathing. His eyes were huge and he had a small opening in his lips that was letting out a short breaths that sounded like, "puh..... puh.... puh....." That was all I remembered from that dream. Then two days later, he had his first massive, back-to-back, unending seizure attack and was rushed to the ER.

A week later, he returned home. And I had another dream. I was in a white log cabin that had historical bronze plaques at every doorway. I walked into a white room that had a 3-bed bunk bed. On the middle bunk, Tucker laid dead. I was horrified. I ran around trying to find someone to help me (which doesn't really make sense, but ... it's a dream), and the few people who were looking around the house just ignored me. I ran back to the room where Tucker laid, and his body was gone. He was gone, and I couldn't find him anywhere. 2 days after that, my Tucker was gone in real life.... and it was devastating.

These stories are to say that I do believe Chip will tell me when it's his time to transition, and I know I'll "hear" him. I'm open and will be receptive, as this, too, is a conversation. One I, very much, want him to have a voice in and be a part of.... and also a conversation we're having with the divine order of things. I feel he's already started the "preparation process" with the ER visit. I'm being prepared.

My dear friend, Peter Ciancarelli, reached out and we had a most comforting conversation. By the way, if you're not familiar with who Peter is, and if you're involved with dogs in any way, have dogs, etc, I do recommend becoming familiar. I always include his group's info on PackFit's IBAC recap email for good reason. Peter is the Founder of the formerly known FB group, Allie's Canine Cancer Crew (now, Allies Crew). https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlliesCanineCancerCrew The amazing and supportive community that's been built and has grown through his journey with Allie, his undying thirst for knowledge, and his passion for sharing what he's learned, is one anyone with a dog should be a part of. I mean this with sincerity. He's a pet health and longevity coach, and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to canine health, addressing ailments, issues, supporting the body, etc. The group also have FB lives with integrative vets quite frequently, and you can ask questions and receive feedback in real time.

At any rate, Peter is also an educator and coach for a company called King Harvest, which is the company who makes the CBD oil Chip's been on (...and is part of the reason why he shocked the pants off the ER doc's). If you know me or have ever worked with me, then you know I have insanely high standards when it comes to source, quality, and the practice behind food, supplementation, etc.

Chip's been on this CBD oil (and the other dogs have been on another version of this CBD oil- without the THC, as well, for health and general support), and last night had his first FECO. Now, Peter could explain this far better than I could, but it's a very concentrated, potent form of what he's been taking... on top of what he's taking, and should only be given at night so he can sleep through the effects of it. This morning, most of the red /blood from his eyes has receded, and he's "back to normal". Thank God.

For anyone who wants to know, and to share what we've been doing up to this point.....

His diet (and all the other dogs') is Answers Pet Food (we get this from Felix and Oscar's in Springfield, VA): https://www.felixandoscar.com/index.html,

He gets a tsp of Green Juju's (we also get this from Felix and Oscar's): Bailey's Blend or Just Greens (alternated),

Dr. Harvey's supplements: Solaris and Golden Years (https://www.drharveys.com/filter/dogs), and

Adored Beast Apothecary's: Turkey Tail Mushrooms and Fido's Flora (https://adoredbeast.com?aff=18)

Nothing too crazy... but they do drink filtered water, as well, and have never had flea/tick preventatives (again, not since they took the life of my beloved Tucker years ago... there's a reason why things die when they bite or land on our dogs) or heartworm preventative. I've always controlled/managed this naturally.

I also will give him wild caught sardines on occasion, pastured egg yolk with half shell, tsp of organic/ unrefined coconut oil, organic wild blueberries, and a pinch of raw, organic sauerkraut (sans onions).

He's been getting red light therapy more consistently and more often now.

At any rate, I want to let you all know how deeply appreciative I am for all your words and sentiments. The support I've received from this community is overwhelming... in a most beautiful way. I love and cherish you all, and am thankful we don't have to go through this "alone".


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