Update on Help Pave Dave's Road to Recovery
Update - 7/24/19
This is an update for those who have followed and made a contribution to my transformational journey of rehabilitation from my diagnosis of spinal stenosis which put me in a wheelchair for five months, coupled with serious inner ear balance issues.
It’s also an opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who provided acts of service when it wasn’t convenient for them like:
Being driven to the doctor.
Traveling two or three hours each way to provide me with some very basic ,very useful objects to make my life easier.
Running errands for me.
Bringing me Thanksgiving food so that I would feel much less alone.
Cleaning/straightening up my room.
And yes, contributing money that I definitely needed.
To date, my status includes:
Amount Needed - $12,500
Amount Raised- $7,290
Remaining Goal To Be Raised By 1/16/20 - $5,300
What changes have taken place since my initial post on January 16, 2019? Let’s review:
“ I'm applying for Medicare, Social Security, and disability.”
Update: I obtained Medicare and Social Security but not disability.
“I've been operating at a deficit and need money to sustain myself and move into a first floor apartment.”
Update: Due to the initial donations and Social Security, I’ve been able to move into a room with a private bathroom, in an elevator building with a great roommate and caring neighbors.
“ I am now walking with a walker and a quad cane, and though not exactly making great strides (pun intended),I am getting stronger every day. I still can’t go grocery shopping, buy and carry 2-3 bags of groceries home. Just walking a couple of blocks drains me, Every step hurts, and every step heals - and then I rest. And then I walk a little more and a little more.”
Update: I haven’t used a walker since I moved into my new home. I am able to do some light shopping if I use a shopping cart to lean on. Every step doesn’t hurt- but the after effect of pushing myself can trigger feelings of depression and judgement about where I “should” be which feels very real to me. I use the quad cane whenever I go out.
“On December 4, at a cost of $650 out of pocket (as I had to be carried out on a stretcher and taken by private ambulance), I was finally able to go to a great pain specialist, Dr. Chen, and on December 11 and December 20 had two series of steroid injections. The results were extraordinary. Although I was tremendously weak, I began to walk.”
Update: In January, I was driven to my appointments by a supportive friend. After I moved into my new room on February 17, I began to take Uber for a total of $30 total to Dr. Chen’s office in Newark. Visits were monthly and in April, I had an additional series of epidural steroid injections (outcome?). Monthly checkups through June have gone well.
On April 1, I had to temporarily suspend physical therapy (on doctor’s orders) for three months, due to serious vascular complications in both of my legs. Fortunately, physical therapy resumed two weeks ago, and it is bringing a whole new relationship to healing and pain and patience.
In March, April and part of May, I took on working with a life coach and a therapist?my life was profoundly altered since I was emotionally released from a relationship that haunted me for almost ten years. That helped more than I can ever express.
In May, I offered the opportunity to coach new or returning clients (in addition to existing ones) at whatever contribution level worked for them.
The result: Three people took me up on my offer, so far and there’s plenty of room for more- plenty,indeed.
All in all, I am incredibly grateful for all the love and support. Every donation makes the long road of healing a little bit easier physically,spiritually and psychologically- believe me.
Truly grateful-
Dave Rudbarg