Dear Family, Partners, and Friends,

I trust that each one of you, your families, your ministries, churches or businesses are enjoying the full blessings and mercies of Messiah’s Kingdom (the thousand-fold blessings of Abraham and the full mercies of David) as we enter the Christmas Season.


As you may or may not know for several months now, my son Mark and I have been working diligently to build a global, online, video and PDF based, smartphone accessible apostolic training center to raise up a new generation of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and Kingdom leaders (I have shared this apostolic vision with you in previous ministry updates). Because of the rapid progress we have made, we plan to officially launch the GEORGE KOURI INSTITUTE OF APOSTOLIC AND PROPHETIC STUDIES the first week of January.

(Note: the link for the Institute is www.georgekouriinstitute.org. However, please remember that the site is still under construction and will be fully launched until the first week in January.)

Mark and I have undertaken to launch this online, global apostolic training center in obedience to the Lord’s specific instructions to me to build Him a “leadership training engine for the 21st Century.” The Lord first spoke these words to me in 2004, as Sandra and I were preparing to leave Kenya after having lived and labored there for 2 years. In response to the Lord’s mandate, a year or so later Apostolic Ministries and Churches International (AMCI) and I launched the Apostles Theological Seminary (www.atsvirtual.publishpath.com).

Now after having lived and ministered in India for the past 2 years and once again at the Lord’s direction, we are ready to launch The George Kouri Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies, as the second component of the leadership training engine that the Lord has instructed us to build. However, whereas, ATS is intended to be a comprehensive, degree-granting seminary (currently offering a Masters in Apostolic and Prophetic Studies), the George Kouri Institute (GKI) is intended to be an online, video-driven, smartphone accessible, global apostolic and prophetic training center.

Following the successful model used by Tony Evans and others, I wholeheartedly believe that this online apostolic and prophetic training center will provide a “global platform” for me and my fellow apostles, prophets to be able to impart the message of Christ’s Kingdom and Apostolic reformation, as well as, the Lord's Kingdom mandate to conquer the Devil’s kingdom and disciple the nations, His Kingdom or apostolic strategies and structures, and the leadership and discipleship training materials that the He has entrusted to me and to many others with five-fold ministers, Kingdom leaders, and earnest followers of Christ throughout the earth in order to raise up a whole new generation of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers, and Kingdom leaders for the 21st Century.

I also believe that the George Kouri Institute will become a powerful instrument in the hand of the Lord to enable many thousands of apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, and pastoral leaders, and their respective ministry or governmental spheres to find God ordained connections with the apostles and apostolic networks that make up the CAC and the global fellowship of apostles and churches that the Lord is raising up throughout the earth today. Needless to say, I am very excited about our coming January launch.


1. At the Lord’s direction, I have felt led of the Lord to hire my oldest son to build a modern, attractive, easy to use website and to manage the George Kouri Institute. Among other things, Mark and his family lived and worked with Sandra and me in Kenya during our two year apostolic mission there. After we left Kenya, Mark was the one who designed the Apostle Theological Seminary’s website and helped me launch ATS, as a Kingdom seed-bed, in obedience to the Lord’s apostolic mandate to build Him a leadership training engine for the 21st Century. Building the George Kouri Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies, as an online, global, video and PDF driven apostolic training center is something Mark and I have talked about doing for a number of years, while waiting on the Lord’s timing and direction to do so. Recently, events in Mark’s life have converged providentially with the events in my own life and ministry as Sandra and I have entered into a new season of ministry.

As a result of all that I have mentioned above, in order to develop and launch the George Kouri Institute my wife and I have committed ourselves to pay Mark $4,100 a month, which we have done for the last 3 months. We have taken these “start-up funds” out of our personal savings (which has greatly depleted our personal resources). In addition to Mark’s salary there have also been additional start-up costs for Word Press, the rental of an online server, and purchase of several other apps that have been needed to produce quality videos and host other features, including webinars and other online events.

Of course, we anticipate that there will be other expenses as we launch the Institute. We already need to hire media technicians and support personnel to help with the posting videos, PDF’s, blogs, and other curriculum materials, and respond as necessary to our subscribers.

2. Ultimately we plan to fund the George Kouri Institute with paid subscriptions (i.e. the model used by Tony Evans and others).

We plan on having two levels or types of subscriptions, free and paid.

a. The “free” or entry level subscription will give subscribers access to a number of special features, including my weekly blog, a weekly video-teaching of the Apostles’ Commentaries, a Daily Scripture and Apostolic Blessing, special teaching articles written either by myself or guests dealing with special issues and concerns facing the Lord’s Church in the 21st Century, a recommended reading list of books written by apostolic and prophetic pioneers and Biblical scholars that have greatly influenced and helped me over the years, and also by those who are currently in the forefront of the present apostolic and prophetic movement, a glossary of Kingdom Words, and video messages selected from my apostolic, prophetic, and pastoral preaching and teaching from my ministry at the King’s Church and other venues.

Note: The first Apostles Commentaries video-course will be a study of the Acts of The Apostles and will be entitled, “The Work of Apostles and Apostolic Church Planting.” This will New Testament study will be offered in weekly installments starting the first week of January until the study has been completed.

I also plan to serialize my seminar and summit teaching notes and make them available in bite-sized installments and easy to read articles, together with video teaching on themes like Rediscovering the Keys of the Kingdom, The Gospel of Peter, The Peter Package, Filling All Things, The Mystery of Redemption, What Happened from the Cross to the Throne, Christ’s Descent and His Regeneration in the Heart of the Earth, Christ’s Ascension and His Enthronement on the Throne of David at the Right Hand of the Father as Lord and King, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Significance of 70 A.D (as the Sign of the End of the Age of Moses and the Dawn of Messiah’s Day), The Judgment of the Nations, Father’s Fishing Business, The Fellowship of the Apostles, the Church that Jesus is Building, Structured To receive the Thousand-fold Blessing of Abraham, Miracles of Conquest, the Faith of Jesus and the Prayer of Command, The Lord’s Day, The Great Banquet of Salvation, How Jesus Became King: The Forgotten Message of the Four Gospels, How Then Shall We Live, The Fulness of the Jews and the Fulness of the Gentiles, The Purpose of the Present Administration of the Kingdom, The Conquest of the Devil’s Kingdom, and many, many other critically important topics.

There will also be special online interviews and guest teachers. I would love to have the opportunity to interview some of you about your ministry, the present apostolic and prophetic movement, and also to feature some of you as guest teachers.

b. Paid subscribers will have access to everything that is available on the GKI website, including the features mentioned above, plus complete access to the PDF’s of all of my published books and preaching and teaching notes (i.e. The Sign of The Kingdom, The Teaching Notes For The Sign, The Last Watch, The Non-Negotiables of Apostolic Christianity, Rediscovering the Keys of the Kingdom, God’s Agenda For The 21st Century, God’s Requirements For An Authentic Reformation, The CAC Constitution: An Architectural Blueprint for Christ’s Holy Apostolic Church), as well as, some of Brother Ern’s preaching and teaching notes (i.e. The Government of God, Thy Kingdom Come, The King, The Kingdom, and The Holy Spirit, The King and His Army, The Kadesh Crisis, God’s Agenda, and The Chief Shepherd and His Sheep).

In addition to my PDF’s and some of Brother Ern’s courses of study, starting the first week of January, I will sit down a couple of times a week and teach in 30 to 40 minute video-segments these and other preaching and teaching materials from my leadership training seminars, apostolic summits, and other courses of study from my more than 40 years of preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and my personal involvement in apostolic Church planting and training leaders to participate in the present apostolic movement. These video courses will include some of my key courses from Christ College days in OKC during the 90’s (i.e. The Kingdom Controversy and Confusion, The Covenants and The Christ, The Comforter and The Church, The Conquest and Consummation, The Kingdom And The Spirit, Old Testament Models For Apostolic Reformation, my commentaries on Isaiah and Daniel, and many other courses).

The first “advanced level” or paid-subscription course I will teach will be, “The Last Days According To Jesus,” which will feature my book “The Sign of the Kingdom” and the Olivet discourse as texts.

While living and ministering in India, I began preparation on two new courses that I will be offering at some point, “The Life and Ministry of Jesus and His Apostles,” using the four Gospels and the Book of Acts as the texts and “The Revelation of Jesus and His Bride,” using the Book of Revelation and David Chilton’s “Days of Vengeance” as the texts.

There will also be special webinars and other online events made available to those who participate in the advanced or paid subscription level.  

Please Note: Tony Miller charges $19.99 a month, which gives his subscribers full access to everything on his site and to special events. Mark and I are not sure what we should charge as yet. Initially, we considered charging $19.99, but we do not want to overcharge for the training that we will be offering. Therefore, at present, we are considering charging $9.99 a month for North America, the UK, and Europe, with special discounted rates becoming available for places like India, Africa, parts of Asia, Central, and South America.

Also note: we plan to offer ministers and churches that are connected both relationally and governmentally to Apostolic Ministries and Churches International (i.e. the apostolic network that I oversee) or to the other member-networks of the Communion of Apostolic Churches (www.communuionofapostolicchurches.com, the global fellowship of apostles and churches that I serve as the presiding apostle) a special “members-only-access code” that will give them free access to everything on the website.


In order to implement my vision for this online global apostolic and prophetic training center I need the help of my LinkedIn family and connections.

1. First, I need your financial help.

 As mentioned above, at $4,100 a month starting in September continuing through December, Sandra’s and my savings are rapidly being depleted and will be gone in a couple more months. Therefore, in order to raise the “startup funds” needed to “underwrite” Mark’s support and other Institute expenses, I am trying to recruit 100 partners (either individuals, ministries, and/or churches), that will commit to sow $100 a month for a period of 6 months or more, starting the first week of January.

This plan will raise $10,000 a month and thus provide the “startup funds” needed to “underwrite” Mark’s support and also enable us to pay internet fees and hire the technical support (either in the USA or India) needed to help Mark manage the posting of articles, video and PDF’s for our online courses, host online events, and interact as needed with subscribers.

Therefore, I am inviting my LinkedIn friends and connections to prayerfully consider partnering with me in this global apostolic training mission and commit yourself, your ministry, your church, or your business to sow $100 a month over the next 6 months, starting the first week of January, and help us raise the “startup funds” that are urgently needed to launch and maintain the George Kouri Institute until we can recruit enough paid subscribers to underwrite the Institute’s apostolic training mission.

If the Lord leads you to partner with us over the next 6 months to help us fund the George Kouri Institute, please write me at [email protected] and tell me of your decision.

Perhaps some of you would like to make a special one-time, end of the year Christmas offering to help us launch and underwrite the institute. If so, please make your checks out to Apostolic Ministries and Churches International and indicate on your check that your donation is for the George Kouri Institute. Or you may deposit your Christmas donation or the GKI Monthly Partnership donation directly into our Apostolic Ministries and Churches International Bank Account. Our Wells Fargo Bank routing number is 063107513 and the AMCI Bank Account number is 5027824753. 

 All donations are tax exempt.  

 2. Second, I need your endorsements of the apostolic and prophetic ministry to which the Lord has called me and of the George Kouri Institute.

Therefore, I ask that my LinkedIn family and connections to take a few minutes and write a brief endorsement of my ministry and testify to the importance and value of the leadership and discipleship training that will be offered by the George Kouri Institute. Please email your endorsement and testimony to me at [email protected], and I will forward them to Mark for use in promoting the Institute.

3. Third, if you head a ministry or pastor a church, I request that you also prayerfully consider using the Institute as supplemental or additional online leadership and discipleship training resource for your own apostolic or pastoral sphere of influence and that you also recommend the George Kouri Institute to other apostolic, prophetic, or pastoral leaders that you know. 

4. Fourth, I request my LinkedIn family and network friends to take time to read and endorse my book, “The Sign of the Kingdom”. 

As I have mentioned before, the revelation of the “last days” that Jesus entrusted to His apostles on the Mount of Olives during the last week of His earthly ministry is not a “side-issue”. Instead, it is just as much a part of the authentic Gospel and the teaching or doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ, as His teaching on love or forgiveness.

In fact the whole New Testament Canon (i.e. the four Gospels, the Book of Acts, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation) was actually written against the backdrop of the coming judgment of Old Covenant Israel, the harlot City of Jerusalem and the temple that that Jesus prophesied would take place in the apostles generation, bringing the end of the Old Covenant administration of the Kingdom and the establishment of the New Covenant Administration of the Kingdom of heaven or Messiah’s Day.

Recently, Mark reminded me that the teaching of Jesus on the Mt. of Olives about the “last days” or “end of the age of Moses” that I have carefully explained in my book is one of the most important revelations the Lord has entrusted to me and is essential for an authentic apostolic reformation today. He also reminded me that while we have sold a significant number of copies (more than 20,000 copies, many at my author’s reduced price), we have never actually marketed it. As Mark shared his heartfelt convictions, I felt strongly that the Lord was speaking to me. And in anticipation of launching a serious global marketing campaign, Mark designed a new cover-design for the newly released English version, and we recently launched a Google and Facebook marketing campaign for both the English and Spanish versions. 

While we already have several endorsements, we need personal testimonies and endorsements from apostles, prophetic, pastoral, and Kingdom leaders about how reading the Sign has increased or enhanced your understanding of Jesus Christ and present administration of the Kingdom of God and enlarged your faith that we can use on the back cover of the new release of the book and as part of the advertising copy for our new marketing campaign.

Therefore, I am asking my LinkedIn family and friends, if you have been blessed by reading “The Sign of the Kingdom,” please take a few minutes to write your personal testimony or endorsement and send it to [email protected]. Also, please take time to go online to Amazon.com and submit a brief review and/or post your endorsement on the advertising page for the Sign. This will be a great help to Mark and me as we seek to market the English and Spanish versions.

Conclusion: The purpose of the George Kouri Institute is not to promote my personal ministry or books. Instead, it’s purpose is to faithfully fulfill my stewardship as a minister and an apostle of Jesus Christ and obey the Lord’s specific instruction to me to build Him a leadership training engine for the 21st Century and make available to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, and Kingdom leaders globally by the internet and smartphones the authentic Gospel and the revelation of the mysteries of Christ, His Kingdom, and His Church that Jesus Himself entrusted to His original apostles in the beginning of the Christian age and that God has preserved for us today in the Canon of the New Testament and help to raise up a new generation of fivefold ministers and Kingdom leaders for the 21st Century.

The fact is that because of my gratitude, personal indebtedness, and love for Brother Ern, I have always intended to call the Institute, the “Ern Baxter Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies.” However, while living and ministering in India the couple of years, I came to the realization that many today, especially those in India and Africa, have no idea who Brother Ern was or of his contribution to the present apostolic movement.

Earlier this year I took the time to write out and post on my Facebook page my personal testimony about the Lord’s apostolic and prophetic call on my life and how He has disciplined, instructed, trained, and ordered my steps over more than 60 years of ministry, using not only Brother Ern, but many, many others. As I reflected on how the Lord has personally prepared me to fulfill His calling and to accomplish the things that He has purposed and ordained from before creation, I felt led by the Lord to call this online global apostolic and prophetic training center the George Kouri Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies. 

However, in order to properly honor and acknowledge my indebtedness to Brother Ern Baxter the Institute will be officially dedicated to his memory and to the memory of others who have gone before and pioneered the present apostolic and prophetic movement. 

Finally, I close by repeating my personal conviction that the George Kouri Institute will become a global platform to enable my fellow apostles and prophets and me to labor together to raise up a new generation of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers, and Kingdom leaders for the 21st Century, so that together with the Lord and one another we may restore the authentic foundations that the Lord Jesus laid in the beginning and on this foundation, reform the churches, and fill the earth with the glory of God.

My esteemed LinkedIn Family and friends, thank you for taking time to read my update and prayerfully consider my appeals. I look forward to hearing from you and to partnering together to extend Christ’s Kingdom, restore the foundations that Jesus laid in the beginning, and reforming His Church.

For the sake of our King,

Apostle George Kouri








Evason Momanyi

Nonprofit at Orphanage Africa

9 个月

HI, how are you doing. I'm HENRY MOMANYI 27 Years from Kenya Africa born and raised in a Muslim, in Early 2017 after several online teachings my parents decided to reform from Muslim to Christianity and due to that the Muslim Religion were unhappy on the decision that my parents made, we were attacked and my parents were killed, since I was the only one who can look after the 8 kids I had to inherit the orphanage so as the kids could not go there streets, since they have no any relative or parents that they know, I have been using the resources that my parents left until I'm bankrupt right now. Urging everyone willing to support the orphan to work with us so that to shape the future of an orphan and help many others in the community. They need the basic needs like a home, where they stay permanently, they need food,they need ,uniforms,books,clothing ,health and others. When this orphans becomes sick as most of them are prone to sickness, the government health facility is far from where they stay and thus needs to have a health facility in the orphanage. REQUEST I am kindly hereby requesting you to consider to assist this orphans and add them to your grant list as i am at risk of closing it down since my parents who were my main supporter had died. And also request for affiliation so that God`s message can reach the unreached hear in my community and my neighbors with God`s word. AIM To show love of God and support the orphans MISSION To reach many people with the true message of God, Make our community better for God`s people to live in and show mercy and kindness to less privileged in the community. CONCLUSION. I kindly invite you to come to Kenya any time you may find convenient to you and come and see us. Thank you, i hope to seeing a reply from you. may God bless you.


My phone number+251965600716 pls help I have many problem economical my family very poor


Hello man of God how are you let me introduced my name Henok weledesenbet I live in Ethiopia I am Christian and I need Visa sponsorship can you help me I need work can you help me

denish aron


5 年

God, Send more of blessings to the plan.

Moses Mwamba

pastor at living spring faith ministries

5 年

How can I have access to this resources. Enter the institute to be trained in Apostolic and Prophetic ministry..what are the qualifications, or requirements.


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