Update from hell

Update from hell

There could probably be no better headline for my first edition of this newsletter than "update from hell". If you don't hear about that. In April, you can play DOOM on your Automower if you call a Husqvarna Group Automower? NERA robotic lawnmower your own. It's a little bit early for an April fools Day joke ... and Husqvarna - don't mess with the internet.

You don't need much - only the serial number of your Automower.

OMG - the voice!

How ChatGPT works... from Stephan Wolfram (yeah the Wolfram)

This is a long read - but a worth one. Stephen Wolfram wrote a little book about What ChatGPT works and or better "What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?" - with 45+ years experience in neural networks I guess he's someone to go to for this topic. I haven't read the book yet, but the article is quite interesting.

TLDR: the LLM is guessing (calculating) which word could come next based on training data. There's no memory behind it (yet?).

?? https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/

Well... that's it for now. Done is better than perfect.


