An Update from the Co-founders
Applied Worldwide
Making Sociology County through digital media and sociology consulting.
An Update from the Co-founders
At Applied Worldwide, we keep our readers updated on exciting projects and announcements via our email list. Below, we are sharing those recent announcements for our LinkedIn followers, but be sure to subscribe to our email list for regular updates on all that’s happening at Applied Worldwide!
What we’ve been up to…
As many of you may know, we have been working with a small, locally-owned motel in Gunnison, Colorado. As that project is coming to a close we would like to take this last opportunity to share some of our observations including our article about standardization in the hospitality industry and our article about Colorado history and Island Acres Resort Motel.?
Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)
At Applied Worldwide we have been honored to work with many professional sociology organizations including Sociologists for Women in Society, the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, and more. Check out our Profiles of Applied and Clinical Sociology page to see all of the content sponsored by different professional organizations.?
Our newest partnership is with the The Society for the Study of Social Problems . SSSP has published its second volume of their Global Agenda for Social Justice and Applied Worldwide is proud to be partnering with SSSP and Policy Press to publish exclusive interviews with the authors.?
Our first interview is with Dr. Laurie Cooper Stoll, Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and first author for the chapter covering Fatphobia. You can grab the full volume of SSSP’s Global Agenda for Social Justice 2 published by Policy Press today!?
Get in the Repro Know with Dr. Elle Rochford
Dr. Elle Rochford is a close friend and colleague who has been one of the longest supporters of Applied Worldwide. In light of news related to Roe v. Wade and public discussions about reproductive justice, she has started a weekly blog series to help everyone get and stay in the #ReproKnow.
Elle is a Researcher at the Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence at the University of Delaware. She also hosts Proofing and Lies, a social science podcast covering a new topic and new baking project every other week! Check out last month's episode on stigma and health featuring Applied Worldwide co-founder Stephanie Wilson!
As Elle explains, “from environmental movements to the criminal legal system to new age instagram, reproductive health and politics covers a lot of ground! It is a full time job staying up to date and I should know because it’s my full-time job!”
Each week, for ten weeks, we are publishing a brand new blog where Elle boils down a complex reproductive rights issue into 800 words or less.
Follow Applied Worldwide on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram for weekly updates on Dr. Rochford’s latest blogs and browse the full series on our website.
Student Tweets
With the start of the new school year, our @SociologyTheory Twitter page is back in full swing with student content. This semester we have two sociology theory classes posting content to Twitter.
We are proud to once again be working with Dr. Brenda Wilhelm at Colorado Mesa University . Dr. Wilhelm’s students are posting Tweets related to classical sociology theories. The article “Colorado Mesa University Students on Twitter” is a brief description of how Dr. Wilhelm’s former students used Twitter.?
Applied Worldwide co-founder Dr. Stephanie Wilson is teaching an online Contemporary Social Theory course at the University of Northern Colorado , for which her students are also posting to Twitter as a course assignment.
You can follow all of these student Tweets on Twitter @SociologyTheory.?
Applied Worldwide Nigeria
We want to once again draw everyone’s attention to our Applied Worldwide Nigeria project. Applied Worldwide Nigeria is an extension of Applied Worldwide where Nigerian writers create content about Nigeria. These writers cover Nigerian tradition and culture, social problems in the country, and provide informed insight into major national events such as the ASUU strike.?
We want to give a special shout out to Lateefah Rufai who manages the entire publication. She has done incredible work bringing us all up-to-date perspectives on everything going on in Nigeria.?
Read our interviews with some of the Applied Worldwide Nigeria authors to get to know why they write and follow along on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates!
Other projects and what’s yet to come…
That is an update on some of our major ongoing projects at Applied Worldwide, but below is a brief summary of other projects we have going on at Applied Worldwide.
As always, we appreciate you reading and sharing our applied sociology content—so thank you!?Don't forget to subscribe to our email list for regular updates on all that’s happening at Applied Worldwide