Update - as-built documents and drawings for the PGS Apollo
PGS Appollo port in Las Palmas

Update - as-built documents and drawings for the PGS Apollo

Collaborative with PGS on updateding documents and drawings.

In close cooperation with PGS, we are embark on a project to update the as-built documents and drawings for PGS Apollo.

It is typical for operational vessels to undergo various modifications and enhancements from their original specifications. The PGS Apollo, is no exception. Consequently, it is crucial to continually update our as-built documentation to accurately reflect the current state of this advanced vessel.

Mark-ups to asbuilt documents

Key deliveris:

  1. Enhanced Accuracy : By updating the as-built drawings based on markups received from the vessel crew, we ensure that every modification and upgrade on the PGS Apollo is accurately documented, thereby enhancing operational precision and safety.
  2. Streamlined Maintenance and Refits : With updated drawings, the maintenance and refit processes will become more efficient, and ensuring the vessel remains at peak operational readiness.
  3. Future Readiness : As technology advances, so does the PGS Apollo. By keeping the as-built drawings updated, we ensure smoother integration of future technological enhancements, new projects, and refits.

This project is a testament to the synergy between GENEROC AS and PGS leveraging our combined expertise in engineering and services to maintain the highest standards of quality and safety.

Stay tuned as we continue to navigate the path of innovation and excellence together!



