Update to CF2025 Beta2

We are excited to announce the release of CFNext Beta2, which brings a host of new features and improvements to enhance your experience. This will be the final pre-release version before the main release.

Please take this opportunity to explore the build, test key functionalities, and find critical issues so they can be fixed before the release. Thank you for your continued support.

Below are the key updates:

1.?cfexchangeconnection tag changes With Microsoft likely to discontinue EWS support for Exchange Online in October 2026, we recommend transitioning to Microsoft Graph API to continue using ColdFusion exchange services. The?cfexchangeconnection?tag now supports the?access_token?attribute for Exchange Online, replacing the traditional username and password. The server attribute is optional if you use?access_token. Other exchange tags such as?cfexchangetask,?cfexchangecontact,?cfexchangecalendar,?cfexchangemail,?cfexchangefolder,?cfexchangeconversation, and?cfexchangefilter?have also undergone changes to align with Microsoft Graph API standards.

2.?Microsoft Graph user store APIs in ColdFusion We have integrated Microsoft Graph API in ColdFusion to support CRUD operations for managing user profiles in Microsoft Entra ID. Key features include:

  • Package Installation: Install the?msgraph?package via the ColdFusion Package Manager.
  • Application Registration: Register your application in the Microsoft Entra Admin center and configure necessary permissions.
  • Access and Refresh Tokens: Use access tokens for authentication and refresh tokens for generating new access tokens.
  • ColdFusion Functions: Functions like?getMSGraphServiceClient?and?getOauthAccessToken?simplify making authenticated API requests to Microsoft Graph endpoints.
  • User Management APIs: APIs for listing, creating, getting, updating, and deleting users, along with profile photo management.

3.?Feature Removals Several features have been removed in CFNext Beta2, including:

  • CFMX_COMPAT Algorithm: Removed from functions like?Rand,?Randomize,?RandRange,?Hash,?Encrypt,?EncryptBinary,?Decrypt,?DecryptBinary, and?GeneratePBKDFKey.
  • Locale "Spanish (Mexican)": No longer supported in?SetLocale?function.
  • cfmediaplayer Tag: Removed.
  • Flash Format in cfchart Tag: No longer supported.
  • cfencode.exe/cfencode.sh Utility: Removed due to security issues.
  • Various Attributes in cfinput Tag: Attributes like?passthrough,?autosuggest,?sourcefortooltip,?delimeter,?typeahead,?autosuggestBindDelay,?autosuggestMinLength,?maxResultsDisplayed, and?showAutosuggestLoadingIcon?are no longer supported.
  • Removed additional features in this release. Refer to the Beta 2 documentation for more information. We'd?announced the removals?in an earlier drop.

4.?Code Analyzer Changes The Code Analyzer has been updated to detect new methods and attribute changes, including:

  • New Methods:?listGetDuplicates,?preserveCaseSensitiveStruct,?outputEncoding,?structValueArray,?getTimeZoneInfo,?cacheMaxIdleTime,?XmlClear,?XmlDeleteAt,?XMLHasChild,?XmlUpdate,?Duplicate,?GetOauthAccessToken,?GetMSGraphServiceClient,?getCSPNonce(), and?getCSPNonce(boolean returnAsString).
  • Removed Attributes and Tags: Attributes like?path?in?cfcollection?and tags like?cfmediaplayer,?cfmenu,?cftree,?cfformitem, and?cfformgroup?have been removed.

5.?Bug Fixes Several bugs have been fixed in CFNext Beta2, including:

  • ColdFusion fails to parse and compile the template when attempting to spread an object using bracket notation for property lookup.
  • The ColdFusion Windows installer now includes a recommendation to configure the webserver after installation.
  • isNull()?returns true for existing values.
  • Query of Queries, in some cases, is unable to convert strings to numeric.

We hope these updates enhance your experience with CFNext Beta2. For more detailed information, refer to the respective documentation. Please also note:

  • Docker builds are available on Docker Hub and AWS ECR:
  • public.ecr.aws/adobe/cfnextbeta2:latest
  • adobecoldfusion/cfnextbeta2

CFFiddle will be updated on 2/6 with new code.

Hi Mark! Any chance my beta application can get approved? Been an alpha tester back in the MX era for a few versions. Looking to get back on the CF horse with cf 2025.


