AN UPDATE FOR 'All Seasons Productions' & 'Swing-Set'
The last couple of years has been a struggle for all of us, pandemics, shootings increasing, and now, war. For two of those four long years, I have had no interest in completing the project that I have said killed my film career. The project sat dormant on a hard drive, unloved and untouched. I was much like the lead in 'Swing-Set', haunted.
Now, It is 2022 nearing the end already and I couldn't take it anymore. I threw the project into editing and put together any semblance of a film. I've been taking baby steps, only messing around making teasers and light color corrections. It might be a small step for most, but this was a leap compared to previous attempts.
Here is the teaser trailer that I messed around with, it's not a four-year wait trailer but it will do for now. (If the quality is terrible, I am sorry.)
After seeing the possibilities for this project, I have come to the decision that one way or another... I AM FINISHING THIS PROJECT.
I have two ways to do this, the first way is to go in the way of 'Boyhood' and film my nieces over the next ten or fifteen years as they grow older. This way of filming would take (obviously) way longer to release, it also takes away from the previous performances of both Alicia & April.
The second way is to rewrite the script and add a new part of an older Alyssa who recounts the situation that unfolded many years ago. This is the simplest way and most time-oriented way to get it released.
Ultimately, I think while typing this I have come to the conclusion that the first way, is the right way. More than likely, I will also show footage in the credits of the original version, side by side. This will be an undertaking but a worthwhile one.
Over the last two months, I have also begun revamping my production company with a new logo and a new outlook on future projects.
On top of getting these projects into gear again, there is a podcast I started with a good friend of mine. 'Sessions at the Regal Beagle' is available on Spotify. You will see an unhinged version of myself and my friend as we recount old stories, talk conspiracies, cryptids, and much more. We also wrote a screenplay and recorded our session in a two-part episode. We plan to begin filming with a minimal crew in the next month.
So that is my update. I want to thank all of you for stopping by to check on me. Not many people check in these days and I want to appreciate the ones who do, so thank you. Be on the lookout, my fire was stomped on, but it wasn't put out all the way. There was just enough to create a spark once again.