Update and 3D simulation to the causes that created the collapse of the 13 floors building in Miami, Florida (8777 Collins Ave Surfside, Miami Beach)
- Hidden corrosion of the pool deck (only 10% of the corrosion was visible on the ceiling of the garage - it is a hidden enemy)
- "Punch through failure" of 11 columns on The Pool deck (6 of the columns were around cars parked on pool level that all fell one level even the tower next to them is still standing - see Green columns on video)
- the pool deck dragged to the south 3 main columns - see the RED columns on the video simulation that I made bellow
- the 3 columns bent to the south did not sustain the building, anymore, and the middle structure of the building failed on itself (see security video of the collapse in the description)
- stair number 2, next to the ocean, kept the other tower 2 seconds more, and then it failed, too (see yellow columns and stairs on the video below)
- the elevator kept the building sustained by the Green column still standing (the green columns did not have direct contact with water from the pool or flowers)
See column simulation on the video below (number 78 is the parking lot that had water most of the time)
Update 1 to the 3D model - pool level concrete with sunbeds, fell in the garage and this broke 3 columns under the building
Penthouse inside view before the accident, Champlain Towers South, Miami, Florida (Surfside)
There are 2 more identical buildings one block away, on the beach; I hope they get structure testing soon. See a birds-eye view before the accident, all 3 Champlain Towers (South, East, and North)