FYI, on Saturday, September 14, 2024, I’ll be conducting a workshop titled:
The workshop is sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Upper Arlington, OH and First and Second Churches of Christ, Scientist, Columbus, OH.
It’ll be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Sunday School of First Church, Upper Arlington at 3040 Asbury Drive, Upper Arlington, OH 43221.
Though this is an all-day workshop, it promises to be a worthy investment because it will give us additional tools to support our study, deepen our scholarly understanding, elevate our spiritual understanding, and improve our reading of our Pastor’s words in the following ways:
1. INDIVIDUAL STUDY: We’ll be given unique and practical tools designed to help us:
a. immediately expand our scholarly understanding of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings;?
b. and to elevate that understanding to a higher, spiritual dimension of heart-felt understanding.
2. OFFICE OF READERSHIP: We’ll address what our Leader expects from our Readership—and what we should expect—and the roles each member can play in supporting this all-important Manual-based office.
3. READERS: We will:
a. reveal the standards set for Readers by our Leader and the Bible;
b. explore the real role of Readers;
c. receive specific tools that free us to read conversationally, with greater command of the letter, and especially to speak the spirit of the Word with a genuine, heart-felt fervor, as desired by the Bible and Mrs. Eddy.
4. BRANCH CHURCH PROSPERITY: We’ll discuss how we can follow Jesus’ and Mrs. Eddy’s path to restoring church prosperity.
A Registration Fee of $30 will include the cost of lunch.
If you know of anyone who might like more information or to register, please send an email to me.
Don Feldheim