Upcoming Webinars 11.27.23
November 29, 2023 | 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
This webinar will examine how these technologies can create new avenues for public safety, while also fostering impediments. Some of the topics under examination in the presentation include digital identity, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, communication networks, the Internet of Everything, and biometric technology and collection. Dr. Matt Lehman will present his research and observations gathered from a career that has included work as a local law enforcement officer and a supervisory intelligence analyst with the FBI. REGISTER
December 12, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern
This webinar will explore the ever-expanding importance of Internet of Things (IoT) crime scenes and the potential evidence generated by IoT and wearable devices. The session will include real-world examples showcasing IoT crime scene evidence and exhibits, illustrating how these interconnected devices can play a pivotal role in solving cases. The importance of lawful access to IoT devices, including appropriate legal processes and proper pre-planning considerations for IoT evidence searches, will also be discussed. By the end of this webinar, participants will have a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of digital evidence and the unique challenges and opportunities presented by IoT and wearable technology in modern criminal investigations. REGISTER
December 18, 2023 | 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Eastern
This webinar will explore best practices for detecting indicators on social media accounts offering valuable insights applicable to various criminal investigations such as those involving child sexual abuse material (CSAM), criminal enterprises, and missing or trafficked persons. Key topics encompass the identification of markers, recognition of indicators and unique attributes, as well as the utilization of helpful tools to identify additional social media platforms to investigate. The webinar will also cover analysis of imagery and videos, highlighting useful tools for identifying locations within multimedia content. Finally, tools employed to download this data will be discussed. REGISTER
January 10, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern
Often viewed as a nuisance as opposed to a crime, "swatting" calls have become extremely common over the past decade. Intertwined with the online gaming culture, "swatting" has become so popular that there are Discord, YouTube, and Telegram channels dedicated to it. Many police departments feel that these cases will often lead them outside of their jurisdictions, or even their country, and thus they are fruitless and pointless investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth! This webinar will cover common "swatting" and VoIP abuse trends, best investigatory avenues, and case studies. REGISTER
January 17, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern
In recent?years, the digital landscape has provided perpetrators with new tools and avenues to exploit vulnerable individuals for sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Cyber sexual abuse crimes encompass a wide range of activities, including online grooming, non-consensual sharing of intimate images (“revenge porn”), and sextortion. These crimes often serve as a precursor to sex trafficking, creating a dangerous overlap that demands urgent attention. The legal system is unable to keep pace with the rapidly evolving nature of technology and the sophistication of cybercriminal tactics. REGISTER
Available 24/7 on-demand! REGISTER
Available 24/7 on-demand! REGISTER
Available 24/7 on-demand! REGISTER