Upcoming Conferences
AE2S (Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC)
Empowering People. Enhancing Lives.
September 11-14?AWWA Water Infrastructure Conference?– Portland, OR
September 12-14?Pacific Northwest Clean Water Assoc. Conference?- Spokane, WA
September 13-14?IA Rural Water Assoc. Okoboji Fall Conference?– Okoboji, IA
-Presentation: SCADA System Security: Strategies to Ensure Reliability, Damon Chmela, AE2S Electrical/I&C Division Manager
September 13 or 14?APWA-MN Fall Workshop?– Plymouth, MN
September 13-15?Special District Assoc. of CO Annual Conference?– Keystone, CO
September 13-16?CO Assoc. of Stormwater & Floodplain Managers Annual Conference?– Steamboat Springs, CO
September 13-16?MN Section AWWA Annual Conference?– Duluth, MN
-Presentation: 3 Progressive Pillars of Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment for MN Ground Waters, Steve Nelson, AE2S Senior Project Manager & Allison Graper, AE2S EIT
-Presentation: City of Robbinsdale Centralized Lim Softening WTP Design & Implementation, Aaron Vollmer, AE2S Client Program Leader
September 14-15?ND Geospatial Summit?– Bismarck, ND
-Presentation: GIS Applications for Mapping & Data Management, FM Area Diversion Project Property Acquisition, Carol Wickenheiser, GIS Project Manager
-Presentation: Replacing the Clipboard with ESRI’s Survey 123, Dan Lissick, AE2S GIS
September 14-16?SDWWA Annual Conference?– Sioux Falls, SD
-Presentation: Alkalinity & pH – Why They Impact Everything, Del DeBoer, PhD & PE, AE2S Special Projects Engineer
-Presentation: Cost Control Measures, Nate Weisenburger, PE, AE2S Drinking Water Practice Leader
September 14-16?Western Planner Conference?– Bismarck, ND
September 14-16?Wisconsin Section AWWA Annual Meeting & Expo?– Madison, WI
September 18-21?Rocky Mountain Water Conference?– Keystone, CO
-Presentation: Electrical System Harmonics – The What, Why, and How to Deal with Unwanted Electrical System Disturbances, Charles Haupert, AE2S Electrical Engineer
September 20-21?Utah APWA Fall Conference & Stormwater Expo?– Sandy, UT
September 20-22?ND Petroleum Council Annual Meeting?– Watford City, ND
September 21-23?MNDOT Right of Way Professionals Workshop?– Brainerd, MN
September 22-24?ND League of Cities Annual Conference?– Grand Forks, ND
September 26-29?National Rural Water Assoc. WaterPro Conference?– National Harbor, MD
September 27?Greater ND Chamber Policy Summit?– Bismarck, ND
October 4-7?–?SD Municipal League Conference?– Watertown, SD
October 5-7?AWWA Intermountain Section Annual Conference?– Vernal, UT
-Presentation: Show Me the Money! Navigating the Web of Funding for Water Infrastructure, Rocky Schneider, AE2S Senior Consultant
-Presentation: Drought Contingency Plan, Marie Owens, AE2S Senior Project Manager & Drew Stock, AE2 EIT
-Presentation: Avoiding Extinction During a Meteor Shower of Operational Challenges Panel Discussion, Marie Owens, AE2S Senior Project Manager
-Presentation: Challenges & Opportunities for Development Lower Quality Groundwaters, Cory Chorne, AE2S Program Manager
-Presentation: Tier 2 Groundwater Quality Regionalization, Nate Weisenburger, AE2S Drinking Water Practice Leader
October 5-7?MT League of Cities and Towns Annual?Conference?- Kalispell, MT
October 5-7?UT League of Cities and Towns Annual Convention?– Salt Lake City, UT
October 6-7?Western CO Water & Wastewater Conference?– Grand Junction, CO
October 11-13?ND Water & Pollution Control Conference?– Bismarck, ND
October 12?Eastern SD Water Conference?– Brookings, SD
October 12-13?Western Dakota Energy Association Annual Meeting?– Watford City, ND
October 12-14?MN GIS/LIS Consortium Annual Workshops & Conference?– Bemidji, MN
October 18-19?MN Water Resources Conference?– Saint Paul, MN
-Presentation: Thousands of BMPs? How to Best Manage and Prepare for Maintenance, Laura Wehr, AE2S EIT
October 19?Black Hills Digital Mapping Assoc. GIS Conference?– Rapid City, SD
October 24-25?ND Main Street Summit?– Bismarck, ND
November 2-3?MN & WI Assoc. of Floodplain Managers Joint Annual Conference?– Duluth, MN
November 15?Utah WEAU Midyear Conference?– Salt Lake City, UT
November 17-18?APWA-MN Chapter Fall Conference?– Prior Lake, MN
December 6-9?Joint ND Water Convention & Irrigation Workshop?– Bismarck, ND
January 10-12?SD Rural Water Annual Technical Conference?–?Pierre, SD
*Presentation information is current as of August 2022.
The links for each conference webpage are also included in this article.