Up to DIA #4
Welcome to the fourth edition of the weekly Up to DIA. Today, we are very excited to announce three brilliant keynote speakers for DIA Munich 2022, a couple of new insurtechs joining us on stage, some new articles, and an exciting agenda update with a new program from InsurTech Hub Munich and new insurtechs taking the stage!
But first ssssh. Did you notice that Smart Bird over there? It's a pink cockatoo and it has an announcement to make. Our Smart Bird tickets are currently going for €1,295. Spend your last remaining budget on some inspiration as all the executive insurance experts from the industry flock together at DIA Munich! Click on the Smart Bird to purchase your ticket today!
Alright, time to get into the meat of this weekly newsletter. The first keynote speaker we would like to announce is Frank DESVIGNES , Global Head of Open Innovation at 安盛 Next. Frank will be sharing his vision and practical learnings on Open Innovation in Munich.
Next up is Amelie Breitburd , CEO of Lloyd's Europe and board member of CNP Assurances ! Amélie worked for various insurance companies previously, such as Allianz , KPMG and was regional CFO in Asia, Uk and Ireland at 安盛 .
Last but not least is Scott Gunther , general partner at IAG Firemark Ventures . IAG stands for Insurance Australia Group and is the largest general insurance company in Australia and New Zealand. Scott will share their journey, success factors and plans for the future. What's more is that Scott's keynote is also part of the new program by ITHM!
Introducing NXT: Customer: The Next Frontier of Customer Centricity in Insurance, a one hour Deep Dive session at the end of DIA Munich, hosted by InsurTech Hub Munich .
Speaking of keynotes, have you watched the keynote presented at DIA Amsterdam 2022 by Philip Lobatto , Industry Executive for Banking & Insurance at 微软 yet?
Now for the article section of this newsletter. First up is Smart Communications. , who took the spotlight in 2016 with their revolutionary cloud-based solutions. They deliver hyper-personalisation in claims with their Conversation Cloud.
tech11 GmbH will make their second appearance this year at a DIA event and co-founder Pierre Dubosq , will present a full legacy replacement program tech11 did for GVO Versicherung together with CTO of GVO Verishcerung, Linda Sommer .
The Visual Intelligence technology developed by Bdeo helps automate underwriting and claims managements processes for motor and home insurance companies, which reduces claims handling and underwriting times. They will demo their solution live at DIA Munich 2022, as well as some client stories.
And finally an update to our agenda with new tidbits and of course, new companies joining DIA Munich 2022! Long standing main partners SAP and Invest Hong Kong are back! Joining us for Show & Tell is Dyrisk and back for another Deep Dive is Tietoevry . Click on the image below to go to the agenda.
This was it for this week's Up to DIA. If you would like to receive news more frequently, such as new speakers, companies and articles, then sign up for our Daily DIA newsletter! Thank you for reading and see you next week Tuesday!