“Up Date Blanquirrojo”
-“Los Injertos del Norte”, banda criminal mafiosa peruana, ha abierto una sucursal en Brasil. Sí se?or, han “exportado” su maldad al país de la samba, al del del “bom jogo”, sin dejar de atender nuestro país con sus maleantes.
-No cuentan para las estadísticas de la balanza comercial, pero sí de la desvergüenza.
Continuan los procesos judiciales contra 2 ex Presidentes, Humala & Vizcarra, que sobre seguro irán a la cárcel de Barbadillo para acompa?ar a otros 2 “prisioneros de lujo”, Toledo & Castillo, también ex Mandatarios.
Lo peor, el miedo de los extorsionadores, la inseguridad & las balas a mansalva contra los omnibuses del transporte de pasajeros, sin reparo de matar a quien le caiga un proyectil por no colaborar & pagar los cupos exigidos.
Para terminar, excelentes noticias: reservas internacionales de envidia, balanza comercial con superávit e inflación menor de 2%.
Esperamos, deseamos, anhelamos, requerimos, que los delincuentes sean capturados & encerrados con los corruptos & que éste 2025 crezcamos más del 4%. en el PBI.
—-Roguemos al Se?or!
—-Te lo pedimos Se?or!
"Up Date Blanquirrojo"
- "Los Injertos del Norte", a Peruvian mafia criminal gang, has opened a branch in Brazil. Yes sir, they have "exported" their wickedness to the country of the samba, the country of the "bom jogo", without neglecting our country with their crooks.
--Damn them!
-They do not count for the statistics of the trade balance, but they do count for the statistics of shamelessness.
The judicial processes continue against 2 former Presidents, Humala & Vizcarra, who will surely go to Barbadillo Prison to accompany 2 other "luxury prisoners", Toledo & Castillo, also former Presidents.
The worst, the fear of the extortionists, the insecurity & the bullets fired at the passenger transport buses, with no qualms about killing whoever is hit by a bullet for not collaborating & paying the quotas demanded.
To conclude, excellent news: international reserves of envy, trade balance in surplus and inflation below 2%.
We hope, we wish, we yearn, we require, that the criminals are caught & locked up with the corrupt & that this 2025? grow more than 4% in GDP.
--Let us pray to the Lord!
--We ask it Lord!
Head - Business Development | Business Development in CargoWise
1 个月Fantastic writing!!! I am grateful to the author for promptly furnishing the English translation to me on my request !!!