Unwrap the New 2022 Census ACS Data
The US Census Bureau released the updated 2022 American Community Survey demographics for all geographies earlier this month. And we’ve been scurrying around like Santa’s elves to bring you the latest data and geographies as well as new features.
New 2022 Demographics & Geographies
The most remarkable change was a complete reconfiguration of Connecticut counties. As you can see in the maps below, the 2022 Connecticut counties don’t play nice (aka aren’t contiguous with) the 2021 counties — which is going to make historical comparisons tricky.
Map of 2022 Connecticut Counties
2021 Connecticut Counties
Radius Report Updates
You now get 4 new types of data included in your Radius Reports for no additional fee.
Back in 2010 – which was around when we first started offering radius reports – about 10% of US homes had value estimates of over $500,000 cite. According to the latest 2022 data, over 26% of US homes now have value estimates of over $500,000 cite.
Now your radius reports include more detailed categories describing these high-value homes. The new fields are highlighted below in an example report for New York City.
Income By Zip Code Lists and Demographics By Lists Updates
Income By Zip Code lists and Demographics By Zips/Cities/Counties have been polished up with the following improvements.
Income By Zip Code Maps
New Feature! You can now export data for selected zips from the Income By Zip Code map interface. Here’s how.
Got questions about 2022 Census data or the new features above? Send me a message now so you don't forget. And?to set expectations, I'll reply back to you in January, because?I'm still?scurrying to get the new data out before we settle down for our long winter's nap (aka holiday break from 12/23 to 1/7). Talk to you in January, and happy holidays!