Unwrap the Gift of Presence
Conimbriga Ruins in Coimbra, Portugal

Unwrap the Gift of Presence

My husband and I recently embarked on a delightful trip to Portugal and Spain. December is a month we prioritize for some time off, and this year's destination did not disappoint! However, amidst the awe-inspiring adventures, sightseeing, and savory local dishes, I realized something about myself in the initial days of our journey—I struggled to stay fully present.

Despite being seven time zones away, immersed in incredible experiences like exploring ruins dating back to 50 B.C. (yes, 50 B.C.!), wandering through bustling Christmas markets, and attempting to speak Portuguese (with locals quick to correct me! LOL), I found my mind wandering. While physically present, mentally, I was elsewhere. Recognizing this, I knew I had to make a change; I couldn't let this precious and unique time slip away!

This was not the first time that my body was in one place, yet my mind was in another. Have you experienced this too? At work? During meetings? It has to me, negatively impacting performance, often causing me to beat myself up afterward. No bueno!

Here are three tips you can instantly make to give yourself (and those around you) the gift of your valuable presence!

1. Make keen observations. Observe things you haven’t noticed before. How someone holds their head, engages in conversation, or how they take notes. Challenge yourself to see five new things you haven’t seen while in a meeting before and notice how it’s an instant cure for capturing your attention and focus.

2. Practice active listening. Here’s a fun little game you can play to increase your presence and your listening skills. Hold off on planning your response until you can identify the last letter of the final word the speaker said. For instance, let's say Steve remarks, 'I’m confident the data supports the direction I recommend.' What's the last letter? 'D,' of course. Now that you've got it, feel free to continue with your comment.

3. Take notes. Jot down what others are saying, what you’re saying, and/or what you’re thinking. Taking notes engages the part of your brain that houses memory, the hippocampus, and saves you time later. Bonus!

What I especially love about these three tips how universally applicable they are. Whether you’re in a meeting, an important conversation, on a vacation or at a holiday party, since you’re already physically there, you may as well be there mentally too.

Bonus benefits include (1) reduced mental exhaustion, (2) improved performance, and (3) better relationships. Happy Holidays to YOU!

Oh, and one more trick I found especially effective…I got off my phone. I stayed off social media, designated a certain time of day to respond to text messages, and otherwise carried on with life, present, happy, and living in the moment.

Give yourself the gift of presence this holiday season. Breathe. Enjoy. Be there…physically and mentally!


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