Unworthy to Worthy
elf-worth is the belief we deserve love, respect and happiness. It's not based on external things or what other's think about us. Self-worth is an inside job.
Self-worth is at our core. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intimately tied into how we view our self-worth and value as human beings.
Low self-worth can be at the root of many of our insecurities and self-doubt.
Self-worth should never be measured by your appearance, age, how much money you make, likes you have on social media, your career title or how much stuff you have. In today's world it is very easy to determine our self-worth by extrinsic stuff which doesn't give us long-tern happiness or raise our self-worth.
What should determine your self-worth is how kind you are, your compassion, empathy, respect for others. How you treat others shows a lot about who you are and what you value.
Build your self-worth by challenging the negative voice in your head.
Is the negative self-talk based on truth or fact?
Is what you're saying to yourself - helping or hurting you?
Is the negative voice keeping you stuck and unhappy?
Is the negative voice in your head just repeating what you heard as a child? Which can mean it's not true or is old and outdated.
Self-Worth Exercise
Imagine that everything you have is suddenly taken away from you?- this includes your job, relationships, accomplishments, etc.
All that was left was you - what would that feel like?
Remember that the important things can still be there - your love/respect for yourself and others, kindness, compassion, empathy, resilience- the ability to start again, the ability to turn setbacks into advantages, your intelligence, etc.
To go from unworthy to worthy, remind yourself that:
You no longer need to please other people; true acceptance comes from within.
No matter what people say or do, you control how you feel about yourself. Our mindset is in our control which includes your beliefs, habits, patterns and routine.
You have the power to respond to events and circumstances. How you react/respond is in your control. We can't control or change others.
For more information on my latest book "Worthy", please visit www.dianelang.org