Unwind easier, sleep deeper - an experts guide to your best bedtime routine

Unwind easier, sleep deeper - an experts guide to your best bedtime routine

Drifting off into sweet slumber will be easy as 1-2-3 with this expert guide to your bedtime routine. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and exhausted days, and hello to a new you - a rejuvenated, refreshed and well rested one. Though this seems like a dream (pun intended), this is not a fairytale - you can transform into the deep sleeper you deserve to be, when you know how. And that, my dear friends, is exactly what I will teach you. Look forward to turning a new page in your sleep book - and never looking back. The first place to start? Your bedtime routine. Out with the old, in with the new - the easy-to-action plan below outlines all. Designed for time poor, busy professionals who want results fast, this science based strategy achieves exactly that - 100% of my private clients using this have seen results in less than 7 days. Best of all, it’s achievable, realistic and practical - and no doubts, will be with you for life.

1: Wear blue light blocking glasses?

A 2016 study found this can reduce nighttime wakings by 66%; and another found it could lengthen sleep time by 1 hour and 18 minutes - true fact. With light the leading factor to control melatonin, if there is only one step you do each night without fail, make it this! And, in the absence of blue light glasses, minimise light and device usage as much as you can.

2: Use lavender?

It’s not a myth - lavender genuinely can help us fall asleep, by activating our parasymathetic nervous system and helping us feel more relaxed.?

3: Disconnect from tech?

Tech time and sleep time are not friends: using social media in the 30 minutes before bed can increase nighttime wakings by 62%, according to a 2017 study . Make this step easy to action by setting an alarm on your phone - and honouring it!?

4: Take a shower

After a warm toasty shower, you seem more zapped than ever - right?! Not your imagination - as our core body temperature drops when we move from a warm shower to a cool bathroom, this catalyses melatonin production - cue, we are ready to hit the hay.?

5: Take natural sleep supplements?

Magnesium glycinate, reishi and lions mane mushrooms, CBD, ashwagandha… each can help you feel more relaxed, sleep deeper and wake up less - but there is no one option that fits all. To know what’s best for you, speak to a trusted health professional - and go from there.?

6: Read a book for 20 minutes?

We always want more time to read, yet never seem to find it… until now. Not only will you start ticking off your hit list, you’ll also drift off to slumberland easier - reading can reduce stress by 68%, with the effects starting in just 6 minutes.

Step 7: Wear an eye mask to sleep?

Remind the outside world - and yourself - that the day has officially come to a close… and look forward to a peaceful night ahead.

So there you have it - an expert’s guide to your best bedtime routine. Before we close out, take note:

  • Most steps are easy to action, requiring under two minutes of your time
  • Each step singularly supports sleep; but the real magic happens when they work in a synergy together
  • If it’s too much to implement on night one, just start with step one - and build on your habit stack! Progress, not perfection, is the key here - as it is the key to rebalance.

This article originally featured Elements of Byron Rebalance Magazine, gifted to all guests booking into the Rebalance Package.. something I highly recommend, and personally thoroughly enjoy!


