Unveiling Spiritual Quotient: The Hidden Key to Personal Fulfillment
Vishwas Healing Centre
A holistic wellness centre that pays equal attention to the health of both mind and body.
When you hear the term Spiritual, what comes to your mind? Anything related to spirituality, humanity, God, soul, self realization. It is related to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Quotient means a degree or amount of something. So does Spiritual Quotient mean degree of self realization or amount of your deep feelings and beliefs? It can be the recognition of self or belief.
IQ vs EQ vs SQ
There are?three dimensions?of intelligence: cognitive, emotional, and spiritual. Since long, only Intelligence Quotient, IQ, was thought to be the only valid form of intelligence. IQ is the measure of person’s reasoning ability or how well someone can use information and logic to answer questions or make predictions. The intelligence quotient (IQ) is defined as a comparison between what is normal for a certain age and what is observed in a specific child. Then in the 1990’s, as people started having more struggles and successes, emotional disturbances started, and here comes the term, Emotional Quotient, EQ. Emotional intelligence (or emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. It is simply to understand and manage emotions. Now in the 21st century, with the modern day problems, rising insensitivity, comes a new term Spiritual Quotient, SQ. Basically, all human beings are spiritual in their nature. The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum of our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). We may look at it as a ‘supreme form of intelligence’ because it provides a higher sense of purpose, self-awareness, resets the thought process and transforms the overall personality of a person.
Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall based on their pioneering book,?SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence, attributed the term Spiritual Quotient. ?According to them, it is our most fundamental intelligence. It helps us to develop our capacity for meaning, vision and value. It has all our beliefs, thoughts that help us to take respective actions. It also helps us to dream and work for our goals. Spiritual intelligence explores how accessing our SQ helps us to live up to our potential for better, more satisfying lives.
Much attention is focused on the importance of our physical and mental health, but what about our spiritual health? Mostly people are categorized as believers and non believers but its not like that because everyone believes in something or the other. To be a spiritual person, its not necessary to practice your religion, believe in God or read your religious books. We all are built-in with spirituality within our core. There isn’t one path one needs to take to be spiritually healthy—it’s different for everyone. Some experience it through religion, some through humanity, kindness, music, nature, art. It’s the ideals and beliefs you form throughout your life that form your own unique spirituality.” It not only gives hope but also satisfaction, calmness, purpose, belongingness and also peace. There’s no right or wrong way to achieve spiritual health.
Spiritual intelligence no longer let fear stop you from taking action, as challenges will no longer seem daunting. You will understand that the Universe is abundant and unlimited. You will know that everything that you wish is possible for you, and help is always available if you ask.
-You’ll be more present in the now.
-You will be more resilient.
-You will feel happier.
-You will know exactly how to help others thrive.
-You will be holistically attuned to the world.
Developing spiritual intelligence requires a commitment to self-reflection, personal growth, and cultivating spiritual practices. Key components of spirituality include?faith, meaning, love, belonging, forgiveness, and connectedness. Once we move into the spiritual tier, our progress becomes much more focused because, at that point, we have gained a sense of the reason for human existence.
It helps us to open our mind to receive new information. Open our heart to give and receive unconditional love to others. Open our senses to learn about the world in different ways. Being open means our willingness to perceive everything as it comes, not the way we think it should, but the way it is, without judgement.
Read blog Spirituality and its power
In today’s era that is filled with hatred and insensitivity, perhaps a little dose of understanding about our own spiritual dimension would all do us some good. And as?Barbara Sargent, elegantly puts it: ‘Through contemplative practices and spiritual aspiration, we can learn to live in a closer relationship with this deepest and unique aspect of ourselves, this place where inner guidance can come through when we need it most. SQ makes us more responsible of ourselves, family, society, our surrounding, our country and then our universe too. It helps us to interconnect our personal vision with the larger good of humanity. It makes us more humble in our perspective. To a great extent it reduces our selfish intentions. Once we understand that everything is connected, it also increases our personal responsibility and accountability. It is acknowledging your mortality and thinking of what you could offer humanity.
– Deepti Anand, Intern
(The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +918920354903, +919899201645, +919911401645, to know more about appointments.)
Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along-with?counselling . Like – Psychotherapies (CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc.),?Energy Healing ?(Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing etc.) and much more. Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provide trainings and workshops.