“Unveiling the Secrets: How I Earned MONEY and Escaped not working to Travel for 4.5 Months!”
Kayleigh Herbert
Guiding Souls to heal & expand through realistic and simple practices ??
In November 2023 I packed up and left to Travel
I knew it was always in my heart, but I never knew how I would finance it, here I am going to show my… how to make enough money to go travelling.
What dreams and desires do you feel are unattainable because you ‘don’t have enough money’ ?
I have wanted to travel for over 12 years, it has always been money that has stopped me. I have had debt since I can remember and I still am in debt now, but that hasn’t stopped me.
The Story behind this part of my life
FIRSTLY I want to put it into real perspective…
I have £23,000 debt
My bills back home without the credit cards, I managed to get down to £880 and still have to pay them while travelling( I still have a mortgage)
I released ALL my clients including ones I had for over 3 years
I am stopping work for 2 months totally, and will only be doing behind the scenes stuff very briefly while travelling,
If you want to skip to the how, scroll down more to ‘Let’s talk about how much I saved and how’
In May this year I was forced to close my Yoga studio, which I had poured my heart, money and soul into for the last 2 years.
As I was told my landlord wanted the space back, I knew right then this was my green light!
It was time
There are no ties holding me down now, except my “always” been there debt.
The universe had intervened and I was ready to articulate plan “let’s get out of here”.
Let’s talk about how much I saved and how
I saved a total of £4000 in the space of 6 months. I already had £1000 saved, so a total of £5000 was my budget.
How did I do that ?
The parts I believed helped make this happen for me, are the following
I had been given the GREEN LIGHT, and listened.
I followed my heart in the dream I had always had.
I am hard working, focused and absolutely LOVE the work I do.
I had a goal and knew what I wanted!
I knew deep down that this was an EXTREMELY important part of my life journey, and being present while travelling will elevate my life in some way. ( Again it was that trust and knowing)
Don’t get me wrong I never had that before, and knew it wouldn’t be easy to trust but I was committed to me.
How am I paying my bills back home ?
I hold extremely incredible Retreats that are life changing and transformational. I had planned 3 or 4, and worked hard to get people signed up already for 2024.
This income for the future will pay my bills back home, If I didn’t forward plan like this
It all comes down to your dreams and desires, how much you want them and what you are willing to do to make them happen.
I dedicated time EVERY day to do the EXACT same meditation; most people would get bored, lose focus, get distracted and forget, or start and not finish like SOO many do with life.
What I will say is we are limitless potential, but so many people do not realise they are.
We are not lucky!
We are the CREATORS
We are LOVE
When we lead by heart and not fear, wonderful things happen
What have you been dreaming of for so long?
Do you continually question how you can make money?
Do you constantly doubt yourself?
How are you moving energetically and spiritually?
All the above have a huge impact…..
I am living my dream, not because of luck, because I dedicated love to myself and my journey.
Much love ?
My Retreats and website for those who want to have a nosey
#money #life #entrepeneur #business #travel #dreams #makemoney
Brave. Inspiring & brilliant ??