Unveiling the Path to Success
Zig Ziglar: Goalcoast

Unveiling the Path to Success

“97% of the people in this world operate in the comfort zone. 3% of the people in this world operate in the effective zone. The difference between comfort and effectiveness is called growth, and growth is uncomfortable.” - Krish Dhanam

In the dynamic world we live in, where competition is ever-present and the quest for achievement is relentless, understanding what it takes to succeed is crucial. Renowned motivational speaker and author Krish Dhanam, offers invaluable advice that sheds light on how individuals and professionals can navigate this journey to success.

(C) Sajithkumar Swaminathan

The Legacy of Zig Ziglar: A Mentorship That Sparked Brilliance

Finding a Guiding Light

Success stories often have humble beginnings, and Krish Dhanam's journey is a testament to that. Dhanam credits his remarkable achievements in part to the influence and guidance of his mentor, Zig Ziglar. Ziglar, a distinguished sales trainer and motivational speaker, was known for his wisdom and empowering approach. His philosophy that "You were born to win" highlights the innate potential each person possesses. This concept underlies Krish Dhanam's belief that success is not just about innate talent; it involves determination, planning, and a zest to pursue greatness. This philosophy serves as a beacon for those struggling to identify or realize their potential, reminding them that success is an achievable reality.

The Symbiotic Relationship of Mentor and Protégé

Krish Dhanam's association with Zig Ziglar wasn't just professional, but also deeply personal. From a humble start as a telemarketer in Ziglar's company, Dhanam's drive and dedication saw him rise to become the vice president of global operations. Dhanam's role in Ziglar's life evolved over time, reflecting the profound bond between mentor and protégé. Such a relationship exemplifies the power of mentorship - where guidance, trust, and mutual respect can mold the path for personal and professional growth.

Lessons in Authenticity and Humility

Amid his professional milestones, Krish Dhanam has retained an undeniably grounded and human approach to life. He emphasizes that while accomplishments mark our journey, they should not overshadow the value of close personal relationships. This perspective not only humanizes success but also reminds us of our core values and the importance of balancing professional pursuits with personal fulfillment.

Identifying and Leveraging Personal Strengths

The Tri-Dimensional Nature of Mankind

Krish Dhanam delves into the integral aspects of human potential by highlighting that humans are tri-dimensional, composed of mental, physical, and spiritual facets. Recognizing this multidimensional nature is key to understanding personal strengths. Dhanam notes that while different spiritual foundations influence us, they also contribute significantly to one's integrity and performance. In a world that prioritizes achievement and success, Dhanam's insights invite us to reflect on the essence of character, the underlying force behind an individual's actions and outcomes.

Unearth the Inborn Talent

At the core of Dhanam's philosophy is the belief that each individual is born with inherent capabilities, echoing the sentiments of Zig Ziglar. Dhanam insists that strengths are often shaped by the company one keeps whereas talents are intrinsic. He warns, however, that without the right company, many might go to their grave with their "finest talent still within them." He encourages a shift from this narrative and prompts a more proactive approach towards discovering and nurturing one's inner strengths, which can have monumental effects on one's achievements.

The Nexus Between Talent and Realization

The route to realizing one's full potential may meander, with strength often recognized late in one's career. It is not merely identifying these intrinsic gifts but also fine-timing them to unleash true capabilities, remarks Dhanam. He projects a forward-looking attitude, implying that regardless of age, one's best days can still lie ahead, a sentiment that carries a particular resonance to those who fear they may have peaked or missed their opportunity for success.

Goal Setting Beyond New Year's Resolutions

The Flaw in Chronological Limits

Krish Dhanam challenges the traditional view of goal setting that revolves around New Year's resolutions, highlighting that each day presents a new 365-day cycle for potential triumphs. He distinguishes between mere resolutions, which are fleeting, and goals that embody profound commitment and structured planning.

The Three Pillars of Goal Achievement

An effective goals program, according to Dhanam, rests on three key questions. One must question if their goal truly belongs to them, whether they can envision fulfilling it, and if they possess the necessary skills and supportive environment to achieve it. His rationale dissects the superficial layers of ambition, propelling one to introspect deeply before committing to action, ensuring that goals stem from an authentic place of desire and purpose.

Harnessing Potential at Any Stage

Krish Dhanam critically views the obsession with achieving early successes. Through his lens, the journey toward achievement is an open road, free from age constraints. Whether one is a recent immigrant overcoming the daunting task of building a life in unfamiliar territory or a seasoned professional aiming for higher rungs on the corporate ladder, Dhanam's message is that goal setting is an ongoing, adaptive process that can yield results at any life stage.

Networking and Mentorship: The Untapped Resources of Career Growth

The Uncomfortable Truth About Networking

Networking is a non-negotiable facet of career advancement, but it requires stepping out of one's comfort zone. Krish Dhanam asserts that effective networking occurs not in the safety of familiarity but in the realms of discomfort. He makes a distinction between the thrill-seekers who dominate conversations and the reserved, who walk into a room to serve. Dhanam emphasizes that an overextension of any strength can be a detriment; hence, striking a balance is key in networking.

Seeking Out Learning Opportunities

Dhanam encourages individuals to seek 'classrooms' for networking, suggesting that hands-on learning environments are more valuable than high-stakes situations. He shares his experience of teaching communication skills to inmates as a novel method to refine his own communication expertise. His underlying message is to find unusual and challenging settings that can advance one's skills and then make sure others are aware of these endeavours in order to maximize networking opportunities.

Overcoming Cultural Hesitance in Self-Promotion

Addressing the cultural reluctance toward self-promotion, Dhanam distinguishes between vanity and what he terms as 'healthy self-pride.' He persuades individuals to shed the inhibition that often comes with cultural modesty and instead, celebrate and share achievements as a testament to their hard work and expecting legitimacy from those accomplishments.

In conclusion, the insights gleaned from Krish Dhanam's philosophies provide a comprehensive approach towards personal and professional development. Through mentorship, self-awareness, goal setting, and networking, individuals are poised to navigate the often-complex journey towards achieving their definition of success. By intertwining these elements with integrity and purpose, one can transcend beyond the ordinary and soar into a realm of extraordinary outcomes.

The Art of Effective Questioning in Mentorship

Crafting Questions That Elicit Wisdom

Krish Dhanam highlights the art of precise questioning in a mentor-mentee relationship. His anecdotes with Zig Ziglar illustrate the importance of taking time to formulate questions that are both thoughtful and strategic. Instead of seeking immediate answers, Dhanam suggests that spending time to carefully consider what you want to ask your mentor can elicit insights with the potential to transform both personal and professional lives. The process of effective questioning underscores the potency of clarity in communication and the subsequent enhancement of mentorship value.

The Under-Appreciated Skill of Listening

It is essential for mentees to cultivate the skill of listening. True listening goes beyond hearing words—it's about understanding context, gleaning nuances, and connecting with the underlying message of the mentor. Dhanam's own journey showcases the significance of being an adept listener to benefit fully from a mentor's guidance. Only those mentees who master the art of listening can discern the deeper lessons that mentors transmit outside of prescribed advice.

Participating in the Exchange: Giving Back to Mentors

Mentorship: A Two-Way Street

Krish Dhanam stands as a testament to the value not only of receiving mentorship but also contributing back to those who guide us. He underscores the reciprocity in mentorship relationships, illustrating that it is a dynamic, two-way street. Mentees should be prepared to offer assistance, support, or service in return for the learning and wisdom they acquire. As Dhanam himself had done much more than serve just as a student to his mentor, he embodies a role that is equally about giving as it is about receiving.

The Quest for Mentorship in a Digital Age

Finding Authentic Connections

Dhanam observes that while technological advancements have simplified networking, they may have also diluted the essence of genuine connections. He urges individuals seeking mentorship to strive for a more personalized approach, stepping beyond digital introductions to building substantial relationships. Mentors are more likely to invest in mentees who show depth, commitment, and a readiness to engage on a level that transcends superficial gestures.

Networking with Intention and Tact

When facing challenges in the search for mentors, Dhanam proposes the practice of mindfulness in networking. He advocates for attending events with intention, sending thoughtful communications post-meetings, and fulfilling any promises made promptly. These personal touches can make all the difference in solidifying a mentorship bond, as they demonstrate earnestness and respect towards potential mentors.

Navigating Cultural Differences Through Shared Humanity

Embracing Shared Global Desires

Addressing the impact of cultural differences in mentorship, Krish Dhanam suggests focusing on universal desires that transcend cultural barriers. By aligning intentions and actions with the goal of fulfilling basic human wants, such as happiness or peace of mind, mentorship relationships can flourish regardless of cultural origins. He emphasizes the power of uniting around shared values and aspirations, rather than being divided by cultural differences.

Bridging Cultural Gaps Through Service

By providing opportunities, introductions, and experiences, one can effectively bridge cultural divides. His personal experiences further the conversation about cross-cultural mentorships, highlighting the value of embracing diversity and acting as a bridge between different worlds. This inclusive approach enriches both the mentor and the mentee, fostering an environment where varied backgrounds are celebrated and lessons are shared.

The Role of Generosity and Initiative

Fostering a Generous Attitude

Krish Dhanam propounds the virtue of being a giver in the search for mentorship. He advises that if one wishes to find a mentor, they should first be willing to extend friendship and assistance, thereby inviting mentorship into their own lives. A generous attitude not only attracts others but also sets the tone for the kind of reciprocal and supportive relationship that characterizes meaningful mentorships.

Taking Initiative in the Mentorship Quest

Dhanam's final piece of advice for securing a mentor is an exercise in initiative. By simply reaching out with kindness to individuals within one's network, connections can be revived or strengthened. This proactive step is a fundamental component in paving the way towards finding a mentor. Practicing this approach can lead to unexpected and rewarding mentorship opportunities that may have been previously overlooked.

In the vast landscape of mentorship and personal growth, Krish Dhanam’s insights serve as a map to navigate the terrain. By approaching mentorship with thorough questioning, active listening, intentional networking, cultural sensitivity, generosity, and initiative, individuals equip themselves with the tools needed to find guidance that can illuminate the path toward success.

The Essence of Storytelling and Humor in Communication

The Power of Anecdotal Wisdom

Krish Dhanam underscores the importance of storytelling in effective communication, a technique evident throughout history and used by leaders and influencers alike. Anecdotes possess the magnetic ability to engage audiences by adding depth and relatability to the message being communicated. By sharing personal stories, he demonstrates how individuals can captivate their listeners and make a lasting impression.

Deploying Humour with Strategy

Furthermore, he accentuates the strategic use of humour in discussions and presentations. The careful incorporation of wit can diffuse tension, establish rapport, and make the speaker more memorable. However, he notes the sensitivity required in today’s climate and the distinction between sharing things that are funny versus attempting to 'say funny things'. Approaching humour with intelligence and relevance can enhance the potency of one's communication without risking offence.

Embracing the Power of Influence and Intent in Public Speaking

Effectively Capturing Your Audience

In Dhanam's view, the key to powerful public speaking lies in the delivery of intent, not just the content. He argues that experts need to believe in their place at the podium. Conviction and a genuine concern for the audience’s well-being are paramount; people must feel that the speaker truly cares before they take interest in the expertise offered.

The Art of Engaging Presentation

The rule of 'be ready, be good, and be gone' that Dhanam suggests for communication can prevent overstaying one’s welcome during a speech, keeping the narrative concise and impactful. He advises against dulling an audience with excessive details, instead encouraging speakers to distill their messages into more digestible formats, such as minimal but powerful visuals or clear, concise handouts.

Finding Personal Success Through Reflection and Persistence

The Journey of Self-Discovery and Application

Drawing from his vast experience, he suggests that individuals seeking success should focus on the process of self-discovery. Rather than immediately seeking grand outcomes, it is prudent to assess one's strengths and weaknesses, looking inward for growth opportunities. Leveraging these insights for self-improvement can significantly influence personal and professional trajectories.

Leveraging Technology in the Pursuit of Goals

With the world facing ongoing technological disruptions, he prompts future-leaning individuals and business leaders to set clear goals and uncover their innate talents. By aligning their abilities with the demands of today's innovation-driven landscape, they can capitalize on societal opportunities, ultimately achieving success in their chosen fields.

Fostering Resilience and Motivation Amid Challenges

Cultivating a Resilient Mindset

Dhanam touches on the importance of resilience, especially in unprecedented times like the pandemic. Challenges, failures, and adapting to new environments are integral parts of life. By engaging in positive self-talk and maintaining a persevering attitude, individuals can steer themselves through adversity.

The Continuous Journey of Motivation

Dhanam likens motivation to routine necessities such as eating or bathing - they are not permanent states but need regular reaffirmation. By fostering a habit of positive self-reinforcement and focusing on one’s long-term objectives, individuals can maintain motivation despite temporary setbacks or drastic changes like COVID-19 enforced isolation.

In these evolving times that demand both agility and depth, Dhanam’s guidelines provide a blueprint for effective communication, self-discovery, and the cultivation of genuine influence. His lessons draw a clear line between mere knowledge and the transformative power of wisdom, underlining the importance of storytelling, humour, and intent in all forms of exchange.

Cultivating Positive Self-Talk for Personal Growth

The Power of Affirmations

In the field of personal development, affirmations play a vital role in creating a positive mindset. Repeating affirmations that are in the first person and present tense can be an empowering way to start the day. By affirming positive beliefs about ourselves, such as "I love my job" or "I am capable and confident", we set a tone of positivity and self-belief that can carry us through challenges.

Daily Practices for Positive Thinking

Developing a routine that includes listening to or reading material that is positive in nature can counterbalance the inevitable negativity that we encounter, particularly from news sources. This form of self-talk isn't just about being optimistic; it's about fortifying ourselves against the pessimism that can intrude upon our daily lives. Being consistent with this practice can lead to an overall healthier mindset and improve our well-being.

Embracing the Global Impact of Our Journeys

The Ripple Effect of Personal Influence

Sharing his own experiences, Krish Dhanam illustrates the far-reaching impact that individuals can have. The story of traveling to Albania and meeting Anna reveals how one's influence can extend across the globe. It emphasizes that no matter where we begin, our contributions can make us part of someone else's success story, even in locations we never imagined reaching.

Recording Life's Moments for Future Wisdom

Dhanam recommends documenting both the trials and triumphs of life, suggesting that these recorded experiences can become a tool for helping others in the future. Writing down thoughts, feelings, and details during difficult times can not only serve as a personal catharsis but also as a reservoir of empathy and understanding to draw upon when guiding others.

Strategic Planning for Future Success

The Value of Intentional Planning

Sajithkumar Swaminathan's testament to the benefits of strategic planning underscores its importance. Allocating time to carefully plan out personal or professional objectives can speed up their achievement. Moreover, success that seems to arrive suddenly often results from a cumulative effort that has been building over time, proving the effectiveness of persistence and foresight in goal-setting.

Balancing Luck and Effort in Achieving Goals

While acknowledging the role of luck, it's crucial to recognize that consistent effort is often what brings about opportunity. Planning and hard work create the groundwork upon which 'luck' can take effect, suggesting that what sometimes appears as serendipity is actually the fruit of long-term dedication.

Looking Forward with Optimism and Readiness

Beyond the Crystal Ball: Focusing on the Present

While no one can predict the future with certainty—as Dhanam humorously alludes to the ineffectiveness of a crystal ball—there is wisdom in focusing on the present. Ensuring that our current actions are aligned with our goals is the best preparation for whatever the future holds.

Encouraging Consistent Effort Towards 2024

As we progress towards the coming years, the message emphasizes not waiting for accolades or recognition but rather working diligently in the 'meantime'. This approach ensures that when the time of evaluation comes, we can be confident that our efforts will be met with the commendable phrase "well done", encapsulating the satisfaction of goals achieved through unwavering dedication.

Excerpts from another #WeDoMoreWednesdays LinkedIn Audio event with Krish Dhanam , Managing Partner @ SkyLife Success | Author, Speaker- Corporate Evangelist, as a host.

Sajithkumar ?? Swaminathan

Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | Technical Hiring | Employer Branding | Talent Strategy | I help global tech companies hire top engineers by building high-impact recruitment strategies.

11 个月

Had the opportunity of meeting Krish Dhanam in person yesterday in Toronto. As usual he was at his best motivating a bunch of youth on a Saturday morning giving real life examples and sharing his vast experiences. It was taking networking to the next level. Happy to have got the opportunity to meet you.

The questions for goal-setting are a brilliant guide for turning resolutions into reality. Here's to transforming resolutions into reality and making a positive impact! ??????

Indeed it was an enlightening session, thank you for the initiative!


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