Unveiling the Multi-Stakeholder Approach: Beyond the Financial Impact of CX"
Zykrr — The Experience Catalysts
Crafting a world where Experience is not an afterthought.
Title: "Unveiling the Multi-Stakeholder Approach: Beyond the Financial Impact of CX"
In the dynamic Customer Experience (CX) landscape more is needed to focus on the financial gains or the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Stakeholders yearn for a deeper understanding, a comprehensive breakdown beyond the surface-level impact of a new CX platform. As CX leaders, our mission extends far beyond demonstrating that we're 'paying back' the investment – we must connect the dots between CX and the intricacies of our company's operations. For instance, start with looking at our four core stakeholders - CFO, Product Manager, Service Teams and the Senior Leadership team.
The senior executive team isn't interested in micro-details; they want the grand narrative. "Will our customers be happier? Will they advocate for our product? What's the Cost to the business?" The holistic mapping of all the stakeholders will come into perspective – examining how CX affects the business's financial, customer, and employee facets.
In the ever-evolving CX landscape, let's move beyond financial impact; let's aim for transformative change. The three-lenses approach isn't just philosophy; it's the compass guiding your CX program to genuine, company-wide success.