Unveiling Life's Insights Through Mentorship and Reading
Gerrit van Deventer
"Non Exec | Interim Manager | Entrepreneurial Visionary | Advocate for Innovation & Possibility | Property Investing | Working Capital, Cashflow, Funding | Help Businesses Find Money"
The period between Christmas and New Year is usually my time for reflection. Reflecting on my life and what I aspire to achieve during the upcoming year. This time, I focused on the individuals who have left a lasting impact on my life and the legacy their influence left on me as well as those I’m currently spending time with and understanding why, I perceive spending that time add what value to my life. While there have been many people, who directly or indirectly mentored and ore influenced me. At the top of this list I would place my father as the person who played a pivotal role in shaping my character, ultimately making me the person, I am today. To hear him express pride in me was one of my driving motivations, particularly when he was alive. He passed away last year and one of my greatest regrets is that I couldn't provide him with the same level of support and care during his final years as he did for me in my early years. This is not a negative as memory but fuel that keep me going.
One of my earliest memories of his mentoring involves trips to the library to pick out bedtime books, with Dr. Seuss's 'Cat in the Hat' being a favourite. At that time, the allure was the mischief and unintended consequences that unfolded due to the cat. Unfortunately, once I started formal schooling, reading didn't become a habit until much later in life, when I finally embraced its importance for personal development. Nowadays, with dyslexia, Audible has become a godsend, helping me sift through the 'fluffed up regurgitated reads' that offer no new insights. Audible allows me to discover gems that truly provide value that I can then get in print for further study.
One aspect that fascinates me, is understanding the journey someone went through and discovering the insights that propelled them to the next level, as opposed to authors who merely repurpose researched material. Understanding the author's perspective is crucial in deciphering the message, as the proverbial snake oil salesman is adept at selling the sizzle without substance.
Life, as my dad always emphasised, has no shortcuts, and he often said, 'You will keep facing life’s tests until you've learned the lesson.' Although at the time, as a rebellious teenager, these words made little sense, now in hindsight a truth I wish I learned earlier.
At the stage I currently am in life, and if I could reset the clock and impart wisdom to my teenage self, I would recommend these 'Five Must-Read Books': 1.) 'Your Next Five Moves' by Patrick Bet-David, 2.) 'The Laws of Human Nature' by Robert Greene, 3.) 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins, 4.) 'The Richest Man in Babylon' by George Clason, and 5.) 'Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant' by Robert T. Kiyosaki.
I am currently revisiting 'Your Next Five Moves,' and if you, too, read to learn and improve your journey, please share in the comments below the five must-read books that have impacted you and the book you are currently reading.