Unveiling the Layers of Societal Delusion
Dr. Anita Prasad ?????
Anita Humanitarian Foundation TED-x Speaker and First Transwoman of Indian Origin , Germany and Europe
In the relentless pursuit of "humanity's" betterment, the journey towards "peace" and "inclusivity" has encountered myriad challenges.
Among these challenges lies the pervasive issue of societal delusion, a topic often overlooked yet profoundly impactful on our collective well-being.
Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the complexities surrounding delusion and schizophrenia, shedding light on its manifestations and calling for transformative action.
At the heart of the matter lies a fundamental question posed by many within marginalized communities, particularly the LGBT community: Is society itself delusional?
Do prevailing norms reflect an inherent sickness, rendering them incapable of understanding and accepting those who deviate from the perceived standard?
These questions underscore a critical examination of societal standards and the urgent need for change.
The current societal landscape exposes the fallacy of equating normality with mental health. Widespread issues such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and herd mentality highlight the underlying malaise that permeates Western society.
The staggering statistics, with over 70% of the global population affected by mental disorders and reliant on associated medications, serve as a stark reminder of the pressing need for reform.
In an era dominated by advances in quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence, the conventional notions of reality are challenged. The perspectives of figures ranging from scientists and doctors to law enforcement and religious leaders diverge, reflecting a fractured understanding of the world.
The imposition of majority ideologies onto minority groups only exacerbates societal divisions, posing a serious threat to cohesion and progress.
Consider, for instance, the perilous scenario unfolding across the globe, where individuals entrenched in delusion pose a significant threat to peace and stability.
These individuals, driven by fervent beliefs often tied to their interpretation of divinity, instigate conflicts over territorial control. Such conflicts escalate to the point where military intervention becomes necessary, requiring the deployment of armed forces to quell the turmoil.
Tragically, those who participate in these conflicts often sacrifice their lives, driven by the belief that martyrdom will secure them a place in paradise. I can name it for example - what is happening between India and Pakistan. The cycle of violence perpetuates, leaving families devastated and communities torn apart.
Amidst this chaos, the world grapples with profound questions of accountability and reconciliation. The ongoing turmoil in the Middle East stands as a stark reminder of the urgent need for peaceful resolution and collective introspection.
Psychologist Steven Bartlett's insights into psychological normality shed light on the complexities of societal conformity. Historically rooted in survival instincts, conformity served as a means of avoiding ostracization and securing reproductive success. However, in today's rapidly evolving world, blind adherence to social norms poses significant challenges to individual autonomy and well-being.
The rise of digital media has ushered in a new era of social interaction, fundamentally reshaping how individuals perceive reality. For millennials and alpha, usually GenX calls them as Indoor Generations or Head Down Generations causing immense problem in healthcare today in particular, the incessant quest for validation and connection through platforms like Instagram and Snapchat has given rise to unprecedented levels of anxiety and insecurity. The pressure to maintain a curated online persona exacerbates feelings of inadequacy, fueling a cycle of self-doubt and isolation.
Moreover, the dynamics of aggression have evolved in tandem with technological advancements. While traditional forms of aggression persist, the rise of relational aggression on social media platforms poses unique challenges, particularly for young people. The weaponization of online presence to exclude or criticize others underscores the darker side of digital connectivity, perpetuating cycles of toxicity and division.
Yet amidst the chaos and confusion, there lies a glimmer of hope. By fostering a culture of mindfulness and self-awareness, we can reclaim control over our lives and mitigate the negative impacts of technology. Through collective action and advocacy, we can strive towards a world where "humanity", "peace", and "inclusivity" are not merely ideals but tangible realities for all.
In conclusion, the journey towards societal enlightenment is fraught with challenges, yet it is a journey worth undertaking. By confronting the layers of delusion that shroud our collective consciousness, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and inclusive future. Let us stand together in solidarity, demanding change and embracing the transformative power of awareness.