"Unveiling the Journey: Discovering the Origins and Destinations of Your Trips"
Are you interested in understanding travel patterns by different modes such as bicycles, public transport, and cars? This information can help urban planners and policymakers make informed decisions for sustainable mobility solutions. Our dashboards offer intuitive visualization and robust analytics, empowering cities to explore infrastructure and improve accessibility for all commuters.
With PTV Dashboards, you can use your Visum zone and matrix data to create dynamic maps and tabs to explore your data, which is perfect for your next stakeholder and public meeting. For the best view, you can view this dashboard on your PC or Mac:
Let's review the steps for creating an OD map. We'll cover the process for those with a Visum model and those without.
Getting started with a Visum model
To create or select a Visum model with origin-destination and matrix data, follow these steps:
Great news! You're moving to the cloud! The data transfer tool will launch automatically, giving you time to grab a coffee. When you return, your data will be ready and waiting in your Publisher subscription!
Wait, what if you don't have Visum yet?
Even if you don't have Visum, you can still create Publisher dashboards in your subscription. All you need to do is find a friend who has Visum and invite them to your account as an editor. They can export a dataset for you. Alternatively, if you have a .dashdata file, you can import the data manually. Here are the steps to follow:
Great! Your data is loading and in a few minutes, then you will be ready for the next steps.
Note: When you upload data using the transfer tool in Visum, it creates a temporary Zip file in the local AppData folder. This file can be found at C:\Users\"your.name"\AppData\Local\Temp\VISUM. If you need to manually upload files, change the extension of the .zip file to .dashdata. Agencies can use this file to exchange data with many Publisher users ??.
Create your first Origin-Destination Dashboard!
Got data!? Let's go!
Great! You have generated OD pairs. Now, it's time to add mapping details by specifying your data start and end range as well as color. In the settings menu, you can choose between a "directionally separated" OD line or a "Cross-section" that represents the total of both directions.
You can also set up custom filters to remove data sets or use Limits to highlight only the top data pairs for various attributes.
Nice work! You've created an OD dashboard! Let us know how it went and send us some feedback!