Unveiling Hidden Patterns in Performance Marketing with HoloViews' Violin Plots and Radial Heatmaps
Bj?rn Thomsen
Marketing Lead at meshcloud.io | Driving B2B Market Growth for Platform Engineering Company | Performance Marketing, Data Analytics, Marketing Strategy
When marketers and web analysts want to represent complex distributions and relationships between values, they typically use correlation matrices and box plots. However, there are more elegant and less commonly used visualization methods that might be better suited for the task.
In this post, I will show how and when to use violin plots and circular (or radial) heatmaps to visualize real website traffic data (from Kaggle), utilizing Python and the fantastic ?? HoloViews library.
What is Holoviews?
HoloViews is an open-source Python library designed to simplify data visualization by linking raw data with its graphical representation, allowing for seamless exploration and analysis. Unlike traditional plotting libraries, HoloViews emphasizes integrating data with metadata, enabling automatic, flexible visualizations that adapt as your data evolves: HoloViews Documentation.
HoloViews works with Python 3 on Linux, Windows, and Mac. You can install it with the following command:
pip install holoviews
What is Bokeh?
Bokeh is one of the libraries that comes with HoloViews. It is an open-source Python library that allows you to create interactive and shareable visualizations for web browsers, enabling flexible data exploration and dashboard development: Bokeh Documentation. There’s no need to install it separately, as it’s included with HoloViews.
Real-World Marketing Data
We will use two datasets available on Kaggle:
Session Duration by Channel: Creating a Violin Chart
First, we will create a violin chart from the daily Website Traffic Data to analyze sessions duration by channel. Each violin represents one traffic channel. Marketers and web analysts (should) appreciate violin plots because they offer a detailed view of data distributions, combining insights from both box plots and density plots. This allows for a clear understanding of summary statistics like the median and interquartile range, as well as the overall shape of the data distribution.
Moreover, Violin plots make it easier to identify patterns, outliers, and variations across different campaigns or customer segments. This is particularly valuable for analyzing trends in traffic, conversions, and other performance metrics.
To create the violin chart, we first import essential libraries like pandas for handling the dataset and holoviews for creating interactive visualizations. The Bokeh extension is enabled to support interactivity, such as hover tools. We then load the website traffic CSV file and create a violin plot to visualize the distribution of session durations across different traffic sources. The plot is customized with parameters like width, color scheme, and axis label rotation. Finally, the chart is saved as an HTML file and automatically opened in the web browser.
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import webbrowser
#To create interactive plots
file_path = r'FILE_PATH'
website_data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
#Defining the dimension / metrics
violin_plot = hv.Violin(website_data, kdims=['Traffic Source'], vdims=['Session Duration']).opts(
opts.Violin(width=800, height=400, xrotation=45, tools=['hover'], show_legend=False,
cmap='Category20', violin_width=0.8)
#Save & display
html_file = 'violin_plot.html'
hv.save(violin_plot, html_file)
Website Traffic by Day of the Week: Creating a Circular Heatmap
Next, we analyze the Marketing Campaign Dataset, comparing performance by day of the week. Circular heatmaps are particularly effective for visualizing data with cyclical patterns, such as website traffic fluctuations by day, week, or month. This form allows marketers and web analysts to quickly spot recurring trends.
In our example, we couldn’t detect a particularly strong day of the week, but we can see that weeks 39, 40, and 41 generated especially high traffic. Did we have larger advertising budgets, or were we more effective at generating traffic? Did this result in more conversions? These are the questions that a web analyst or performance marketer would now investigate. ???
First things first: To create a circular heatmap with HoloViews, we load a CSV file, convert the 'time' column to a datetime object, and extract both the day of the week and ISO week number. Each row is treated as a single visit, and visits are aggregated by day and week using Pandas’ groupby() function.
We then create a radial heatmap, setting days of the week on one axis and weeks of the year on the other. The heatmap is customized with a radial layout, axis labels, tick marks, and a color bar representing visit counts. After saving the heatmap as an HTML file, it is opened in the default web browser, offering an interactive visualization that helps marketers and analysts identify seasonal or recurring trends in user behavior.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import webbrowser
# Load the dataset
file_path = r'FILE_PATH'
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
# Convert the 'time' column
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'])
df['Day'] = df['time'].dt.strftime('%A')
df['Week'] = df['time'].dt.isocalendar().week.astype(str) # Extract the ISO week number
df['Visit'] = 1
# Aggregate the visits by Day and Week
df_visits = df.groupby(['Day', 'Week'])['Visit'].sum().reset_index()
# Create the heatmap
heatmap = hv.HeatMap(df_visits, kdims=['Day', 'Week'], vdims='Visit')
# Set color limits (clim) and colormap (cmap)
radial=True, start_angle=np.pi*19/14, width=1200, height=1200,
xticks=('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'),
xmarks=7, ymarks=3, colorbar=True,
#cmap='Inferno', # Change this to other colormaps like 'Magma', 'Inferno', etc.
clim=(df_visits['Visit'].min(), df_visits['Visit'].max()*1.1) # Adjust the color scale based on visit counts + 10%
#Save & display
hv.save(heatmap, 'radial_heatmap.html')
Violin plots and circular (or radial) heatmaps provide marketers and web analysts with deep insights into traffic patterns, campaign performance, and user behavior, all through visually compelling, interactive tools.
I will definitely explore HoloViews further, as it offers many underutilized visualization methods that can reveal patterns. There’s so much more potential here that’s often overlooked...