Unveiling Divine Truth: The Reliability, Accuracy, and Wisdom of Scripture

Unveiling Divine Truth: The Reliability, Accuracy, and Wisdom of Scripture

Unveiling the Truth: The Unmatched Reliability of Scripture

Introduction: Friends, did you know that until the early 1900s, the Hittite civilization was not recognized anywhere in the world except in the Bible? One of the most well-known Hittite figures in the Bible is Uriah the Hittite, whose wife was Bathsheba. Despite their significant mention in the scriptures, the Hittites were unacknowledged by the world due to the lack of evidence or records of this civilization in other ancient texts, including those of the meticulous and advanced Greeks.

In 1834, Charles Texier discovered a ruin, but he did not recognize it as Hittite. It wasn't until much later that these ruins were identified as Hattusa, the capital of the Hittite Empire. Hattusa was eventually added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1986. Yet, who knew about the Hittites well before this? It was God, who inspired His writers to document them in the most reliable and accurate book of all time, the Bible.

Scripture’s Prophetic Accuracy: A Testament to Divine Inspiration

When you meet someone whose predictions about the future are 90% accurate, would you listen to them? Now, what would you do when you encounter a book that is 100% accurate in predicting the future? The Bible contains about 1,817 prophecies, and as of today, 1,300 have been accurately fulfilled. The remaining 517 unfulfilled prophecies pertain to the end-times.

One of the prophecies even calls out a king by name: "Cyrus." Check the history of Cyrus the Great and how he conquered Babylon. He was so impressed that the Bible mentioned him by name some 200 years before he was even born, that he immediately recognized God's sovereignty and accepted the mandate to build God's temple in Jerusalem, allowing the Israelites to return along with the necessary materials to rebuild God's temple.

Scripture’s Eternal Wisdom: Science and the Bible in Harmony

The Book of Job in the Bible says, "God suspends the earth over nothing" (Job 26:7). This book was written centuries before Christ. The Law of Universal Gravitation, which scientifically explains how the earth is suspended in space, was discovered by Isaac Newton in 1687. Think about it: we didn't know the Law of Gravity until 1687, but does that mean people were flying around before it was discovered? The law applies to us no matter what. The law does not wait until we recognize it; it is in full effect regardless. Just like our traffic laws, which state that you can't run a red light, it would be futile to go before a judge and say, "But Your Honor, I didn't know that running a red light is wrong," or "I'm color blind, I can't see the red light." Feel free to try it if you don't believe me—you will surely get punished.

The Dual Nature of Scripture: Beauty and Sobering Truth

Now you know a couple of things:

  1. The Bible is reliable. Even though the world didn't recognize the Hittites, God, as the Creator of the universe, told us through the Bible that the Hittites existed.
  2. The Bible is accurate. It prophesied events 200 years in advance with a precision that can only be achieved by the sovereign and all-powerful God.
  3. The Bible is beautiful. In its poetic ways, it explains the existence of the universe's laws, something we can expect from a book inspired by God, who existed even before our world was created.

The same book writes about a law that makes every one of us a sinner, a debtor, who at the end of everything, will be sitting in for judgment. Without our intercessor, our redeemer, Jesus, we are as good as dead.

The same book writes that God so loved the world, He offered a way for us to be saved. Yet, some people still reject God's invitation. Some are manipulated by the devil, and others, by their own choice, decide they know better and want to be the rulers of their own lives. (Good luck with that; tell me how it goes for you).

Along the journey of our life, God often nudges us, bonks us on the head, and fills our hearts with a sense of awe when we see the world He created. Now it's really up to us to accept His invitation to explore, to get to know Him better, and to see for ourselves whether His word through the Scripture is the absolute truth.

I hope you will pray to God to ask Him to show you the way. Jesus loves you!


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