An Unusual Way to Reduce Stress
One of the leading causes of anxiety in our super-busy lives today is the feeling that we’re not in control. A change of address, a new job, a relationship breakup, a health issue – anything that interrupts the smooth pattern of our lives can spark stress and even lead to depression. Fortunately, there’s a very simple principle that we can all apply in order to feel that we’re more in control of our lives. Can you guess what it might be?
One of the intriguing guiding insights into life’s complexity reveals that everything is connected. In terms of our work, our relationships, our homes, our possessions, there is a thread of connectivity that links all the disparate parts of our lives. In simple terms, the way we do one thing will always impact on the way we do everything else. When you introduce order into any area of your life, you’ll feel a reassuring sense of accomplishment because you’ll demonstrate that you really can exercise control in any area that you choose. Even something as simple as tidying a room or putting your files and papers in good order can help you feel that you’re capable of effecting change in your environment. It might not feel like a world-changing adjustment but the psychological impact is surprisingly profound.
The downside to this universal principle is that we can’t ring-fence our thoughts and feelings and pretend that our emotional and mental energy wont effect every other area of our lives. If you’re engaging in any kind of behaviour that is not in your best interests or conflicts with your broader values, you’re going to create a problem for yourself. We love to believe that we can compartmentalise all the different parts of our lives but this is not really possible. Just below the surface of your conscious mind, everything that you do will influence everything else. It’s like sipping poison and imagining that only your stomach will suffer the consequences. Cleaning up our behaviour and bringing our lives into alignment will produce profound improvements at all levels. It’s how we’re wired as a species.
So, if you want to lower your stress and gain a sense of control over your life, try something as simple as tidying a room. Since everything is connected, the warm glow of satisfaction that you feel will filter into other parts of your life and help you to feel back in control of your journey.