The Unusual Link Between Depression and Indoor Air Quality
I’m sure you’ve heard all about outdoor air pollution and how it can negatively affect your health, but did you know that the air you breathe inside your home can have similar effects? In fact, it can be even more toxic than stepping foot outside.?
And recent research is finding that polluted indoor air may have a particularly powerful impact on your brain – and could, at least in part, contribute to many of the symptoms seen in depression.
Today we’re going to explore exactly what indoor air pollution is, where all of these pollutants are coming from, how they can wreak havoc on your brain, and most importantly – what you can do to protect yourself. Let’s dive in.
So, What Is Indoor Air Pollution?
Indoor air pollution is exactly what it sounds like – when the air quality inside a building is poor. It can be your workplace, your home, or anywhere with four walls and a ceiling. Low air quality can occur as a result of chemicals or materials being present in the environment. You see, because indoor spaces are sealed up tightly, any airborne pollutants can quickly accumulate inside.?
In fact, studies show that it can be up to ten times worse than the quality of polluted outdoor air.1 And to make matters worse, did you know that you spend about 90% of your time indoors?2?
If you really think about it – just by working indoors all day and then sleeping in your home at night, you’re spending most of your life inside. This can add up to a whole lot of polluted air making its way into your body. But where exactly are all of these pollutants coming from in the first place?
How Does Air Become Polluted? The Indoor Air Pollutants You May Be Coming In Contact With
Indoor air pollution can come from all kinds of places. Just a handful of things that contribute to your indoor air quality levels are:3,4,5,6
The scariest part about these toxins is that most of the time, you have no idea they’re in the air you’re breathing in. So how do you know if you’re being impacted by polluted indoor air? And what kind of symptoms can these airborne toxins cause?
What Are the Symptoms of Being Exposed to Polluted Indoor Air?
The short-term effects of being exposed to indoor pollutants can include things like:7
If you’re exposed to poor indoor air quality for long periods (usually years), then you are at risk of experiencing more serious illnesses. Some of the potential long-term effects of being exposed to indoor pollutants include:7
But one facet of your well-being that can be particularly impacted by poor indoor air quality is your mental health. Let’s zoom in on how this influx of toxins can affect your brain.
How Indoor Air Pollutants Impact Your Brain Function
Did you know that exposure to indoor air pollutants can affect how well your brain functions over time? These toxins can impact your brain via a process that goes something like this:8,9,10,11,12,13
Many aren’t aware of the link between poor air quality and mental health, but studies show that being exposed to high levels of air pollution over time can increase your risk of depression and anxiety.? So what on earth can you do about all this polluted indoor air and ensure you’re breathing clean, toxin-free air?
Want To Ensure You’re Breathing Clean Air?
The great news is that there are solutions to improving the air you’re breathing in at home, in the workplace, or anywhere you spend most of your time indoors. Using an air purifier significantly reduces the toxin levels in the air and is a great way to take preventative measures before it starts impacting your health.
Air purifiers are a great way to stay healthy for everyone, but I especially recommend them if you deal with any type of health issue such as allergies, inflammatory response syndrome, or asthma. I have seen firsthand what it has done for my patients and my hope is that this knowledge can help you, too.
You may be thinking that it’s a hefty price tag, but I promise it’s worth knowing that the air you’re breathing is toxin-free. When you invest in an air purifier, what you’re really investing in is your health – and according to studies, even your happiness.?
How Do You Choose the Right Air Purifier?
I always recommend a couple of different options for my patients, so they can decide what they think is best for them. Here are my two favorite options when it comes to air purification systems:
Air Doctor
The Air Doctor purifier uses a three-stage filtration system to keep your air clean.?
Austin Air
The Austin Air purifier is what I personally use in my home and office. It is very popular among schools, businesses, and homes in more than 100 countries. It removes 99% of airborne particles as small as .001 microns. I especially recommend this one if you deal with allergies, chronic illnesses, or have been exposed to mold.?
Click here to learn more about Austin Air and be sure to give us a call at 303-993-7910 to access our exclusive discount on these quality air filtration systems.
IQ Air Atem Car
If we aren’t at work or in our homes, there’s a good chance we’re spending time in our vehicles driving. And just like other indoor spaces, the air trapped inside your car can be chock-full of polluted, toxin-filled air. That’s why I love the IQ Air Atem Car air purifier.
This small but mighty air filtration system has been tested and certified to capture a wide range of in-cabin air pollutants that might be floating around in your vehicle. If you spend any amount of time commuting, this sleek, portable, and powerful filter is a must. Click here to learn more about the IQ Air Atem Car and order one for your vehicle today.
Because an air purification system requires a bit of a financial investment, you’re probably curious if there’s a way to tell just how well these filters are working.
How Can You Track Your Air Quality?
The Atmotube Pro is perfect for tracking your air quality. It’s a wearable and portable air quality monitor that helps you identify short-term and long-term exposure to toxins with a viewable data chart on your phone. No matter where you are, it immediately informs you about the air quality you’re in. I can’t recommend this enough, especially if you want to determine whether you need an air purifier in your indoor space.?
Ready To Optimize Your Indoor Air?
Dealing with indoor air pollution and its effects on your health can be tricky, but as a medical professional – I urge you to look into your indoor space’s air quality to ensure optimum health. While it can seem trivial or insignificant to focus on little shifts like cleaning up your indoor air, it’s these tiny tweaks that all add up in a big way when it comes to protecting, preserving, and up-leveling your well-being.?
Creating a lifestyle that supports healing, health, and happiness is foundational to creating the vibrant, fulfilling life we all deserve. So if you’re ready to invest in yourself and become the very best version of you, I’ve got you covered. The first step is to download my free Resource Roadmap.
This Roadmap will help connect you to the resources, products, and information you need to shortcut your path to your goals – whether that’s to heal an ongoing diagnosis, pinpoint the cause of persistent symptoms, take your health up a notch, or simply find some hope and inspiration. Click here to get instant access to your free Resource Roadmap today!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ? The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. ?Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.
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