Unusual Attractions in London
9. Marvel at the Jar of Moles at the Grant Museum of Zoology.
10. See the gigantic overstuffed walrus at the Horniman Museum.
11. Be wowed by the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies at the British Museum.
12. Be dazzled by the 400 exhibits - including a Spitfire and a Harrier fighter jet - on display at the Imperial War Museum.
13. See the world's oldest dinosaur sculptures at Crystal Palace Park.
14. See what life was like for the poor and destitute of London's East End during the late 1800s in the Ragged School Museum.
15. Take your pain away with a visit to The Anaesthesia Museum, this quirky attraction charts the history of anaesthesia from 1846 to the present day.
16. Browse old sewing machines at the London Sewing Machine Museum.
17. See pickled creatures in jars and deformed skeletons at the Hunterian Museum.
18. Visit the Wellcome Collection to see a bunch of marvellously weird objects, including an ancient mummy, Napoleon's toothbrush and Darwin's walking stick.