Untouched Leadership
“Untouched Leadership” Yes! You read it right . I’m sure the first question springing up in your mind will be “What the hell that’s supposed to mean? It is obvious that most people have gone through this, and had different experiences and whatever they might be; one thing is for sure that it is an exhilarating one. We know in music and dance there is a very well-known concept which goes as “Born from a boom box”, referring to the person who was born to dance or sing. Similarly, in business there is a concept called untouched leadership where new leaders of new generation has taken the word “Business” to a whole another level. But the question is was that easy and the answer is a straight NO!
Whenever someone starts at the bottom and is pushed forward to do something new or asked to lead a team then the first reaction is more often than not, Oh man! Well done and he is very thrilled but trust me that’s not the real reaction in his mind. But in his mind, all the chemicals react which leads to highly mixed emotions, and there is nothing wrong with that. When you work at the bottom, you only work for yourself while being responsible for your own stuff, but when the weight of that big responsibility comes on your shoulder than you feel the real world of adulthood.
What I have learned from my experience is that that nervousness is not going to help you out in any way; the only thing which is going to help you is to ask for a proper description of your job as well as making sure that you are fully equipped with all the mental tools like calmness, clear thinking, looking at big picture, and the most important tool, positivity. At the beginning, you are going to feel all sort of tension spiraling up your convoluted minds, as if you have to score the final penalty in a football world cup. There is no high-end solution for this, rather there is a very simple solution, which is to just take a deep breath, calm yourself and have a little faith because if you have some faith in yourself your journey will long last. Faith is what drives you and your team and it will take you to places where no leader has gone, which is “Untouched Leadership”