The Untold Story of the True Meaning of Easter Sunday

The Untold Story of the True Meaning of Easter Sunday

Happy Easter

Jesus Chris our Lord is Risen "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, See the place where the Lord lay? [Matthew 28 verse 6, NKJV]

May I begin by wishing you a marvellously blessed and happy Easter and further? declare that this resurrection Easter Sunday has inaugurated the beginning of your best days on planet earth. If you are in agreement then boldly, confidently and most enthusiastically affirm with a big; Amen! Hallelujah!

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the genesis and cradle of life; he is the reason for every child born on planet earth. He is the reason for the existence of every baby, the genesis of human growth.? Since he is the reason for the existence of every baby he is contemporaneously the reason for the existence of all of humanity because from the baby comes adolescence and from adolescence emerges adulthood. Jesus Christ of Nazareth therefore is the genesis and the reason for the existence of every life form on the surface of the whole earth, beneath the earth, in the oceans and in the galaxies. This is the untold story of Easter Sunday, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection which I most enthusiastically invite you to explore with me.

In the beginning of creation in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible we were told that darkness was upon the face of the deep, this malevolent darkness which is a personification of one of the fallen princes who I will discuss later, had devastated and destroyed the whole of creation, rendering the earth an utter ruin and a desolate waste land. And God said "let there be light". Have you ever wondered why God pronounced Light first in the order of creation to restore life? Why did God not command "let there be life" but instead "let there be light" The unravelling of the answer to this question is perhaps an end to the search for a secret that has eluded the world's eminent scientists all through the ages. The reason God began with summoning light to appear first follows the wisdom of the adage "you do not out the cart before the horse". The horse must precede the cart to drive the horse. The exhilarating answer is firstly because light contains life as driving winds contain rain water. Did you get that? In other words light is the life principle and this light is a personification of a divine being just like spiritual darkness personifies one of the fallen princes which I lightly touched on earlier. This revelation that light is the life principle is profound, it was revealed directly to me by the Holy Spirit today on this Easter Sunday of 2024 it is not a knowledge I authored or read from a book or heard from any human being as I said it is a direct revelation to me by the most marvellous God Holy Spirit. Since light is the life principle it means that there can be no life without light and there is no true light without energy which in essence means that there is no life without light energy. Light and energy in this context coexist harmoniously like opposite sides of a coin. Light and energy are therefore indispensable components of the DNA of life. The overarching question therefore is who is the personification of this light? I will address the answer to that question later but suffice to say that the search for the origin of life or the life principle has to this day confounded, baffled and eluded quantum physicists and molecular biologists who have been unable to provide a valid answer to the origin of life but now you know from the holy texts that life emerged from light and the that life giving Light is a person, stay tuned. It betokens in consequence that when heavenly Holy Father God Almighty Yahweh declared let there be light over earth which was at the time in the grip of the spirit darkness; God in effect unleashed light energy or you could say that God unleashed life energy herein resides the divine correlation between light and life but what or who is this Light? I will answer this question a little later as earlier promised.

Wherever darkness reigns death correspondingly reigns but where true light reigns life inevitably reigns.?

We find this inter-relationship between light and life which surpasses all the theories of quantum physicists and molecular biologists about the orgin of life in the universe quietly nestled in a few humble verses of the gospel according to John chapter 1 from verse 4 to verse 9. These verses collectively provide a conclusive and convincing answer to all the questions quantum physics in all of its theories on the origin of life in the universe has failed to make good or satisfactorily convincing. The verses which refer specifically to our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in verse 4 said "In him (Jesus Christ) was life and that life was the light of mankind". We witness in? the amazing relationship between life and light boldly displayed in this holy text well before the world's greatest quantum physicist was born. Verse 5 of the same chapter goes deeper by establishing that Jesus Christ was the life-giving light which shone over the fatal darkness that ruined the earth revealed at the beginning of creation in the book of Genesis of the Holy Bible because the verse says "The Light shines in darkness and darkness has not overcome it." In order words the Light Jesus Christ shone over ruined earth at the beginning of creation and extinguished the primordial evil force of darkness which is none other than the dethroned lucifer also known as satan who was hurled down from heaven to the earth during his epic battle with Michael the Archangel, this satan is he who deceives the whole world with the sole intention of destroying it. Satan is that ruinous darkness personified, the prince of darkness and the prince of death.

As I have already established the source of life is light and that light source is a person and his name is none other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ is the Light he was that Light, God the Father called upon to restore life and recreate the ruined earth when God the Father Yahweh declared at the beginning of creation in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible "let there be Light" or "Light be". Jesus Christ is therefore demonstrably the genesis of life on planet earth because he is the Light from which all life forms in the universe originated, quantum physicists and molecular biologist kindly take note.? May I say with modesty? that I am an exponent of quantum phenomena? therefore I am well informed about the matter whereof I speak.? The crucifixion and the resurrection were a restoration and continuity of that life our Lord Jesus Christ both embodies and inaugurated on planet earth.

Since Jesus Christ is the light source who originated life in the whole world and the entire universe he must of necessity and equivalently be the sustaining power and the reason for the existence of all of humanity, the world and the universe which in my opinion is a logical attribution otherwise why would he suffer the brutality of death by crucifixion on the cross at Calvary if he was not minded to redeem his own work and creation which satan had once again devastated as was the case at the beginning of creation when God the Father Yahweh declared "let there be light" and the Light who is God the Son Jesus Christ appeared,? illuminated the earth devastated by satanic darkness and gave it both light and life for a fresh existence. The Crucifixion and the Resurrection was a repeat of what happened in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 of the Holy Bible, it was the same redemptive wisdom, love and power of King Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Light of the world at work on Easter Sunday.

To crown the personification of Jesus Christ as that Light verse 9 of the same chapter 1 of the gospel of John in divine revelation of Jesus Christ called him "That true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." Having thus clearly elucidated it is honourably befitting to say that Jesus Christ is irrefutably the genesis of life and the reason for the existence of humanity on planet earth whom he once again redeemed on Easter Sunday.

The resurrection in addition is synonymous to breaking impossible barriers. There is no barrier greater than death but the Lord Jesus Christ shattered that toughest of barriers through his resurrection from death on Easter Sunday as he had predicted before his death. The implication of this nature defying event is that if you put your trust in Christ Jesus exclusively as your Lord and Saviour he will imbue you with his resurrection power mind-set empowering you live a life of endless breath-taking breakthroughs and a permanent transition from the ecosystem of the darkness of this present age to his glorious light of celestial bliss thus ensurring you continually experience a foretaste of heaven whilst on earth. Welcome to your new resurrection life mind-set, welcome to an unstoppable triumphant life through Christ Jesus the Light and life of the world. Happy Easter!

I wish you, those who love you and those you love an effusively Happy Easter, lived in the light and abundance of life brought to us by our great Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth through his death and resurrection on Easter Sunday! You are very highly blessed and greatly favoured. Happy Easter!

If you would like to invite Jesus Christ into your life to become your personal Lord and Saviour and make this Easter Sunday or the day you are reading this divine message your spiritual birthday then wholeheartedly declare the words of the prayer below:

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the price of securing eternal life in heaven which you paid for me and the shedding of your precious blood? for my redemption on the cross at Calvary to save me from the consequences and penalty of all my sins of which I am truly sorry and most remorsefully repent of and abandon. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for pardoning me of all my sins. I invite you into my life today to become my one and only Lord and Saviour. Fill me today with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and transform me into your passionate disciple. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ for saving me today. Amen! Hallelujah!

Written by:

Louis King

Kingdom Champions Global

[email protected]

Kingdom Champions Global

Reaching and revivifying millions of people across the globe for King Jesus Christ!

Delivering divine timely urgent and transformative communications received by supernatural revelation directly from the most marvellous God the Holy Spirit for your true liberation and emergence into great light and greatness,? in fulfilment of the words of our great God and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ "If? the Son therefore shall set you free you shall be free indeed" .[John 8:36]

Transforming lives across the nations one person at a time with great love, truth and a burning passion for King Jesus Christ of Nazareth, like the irreversible metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Our overarching vision at Kingdom Champions Global is for you to make heaven in dazzling splendour on the last day with angelic ovation and a reverberating applause.

Feel free to share this divine communication with your network of friends, family and the whole world for the salvation of all of humanity, without any alteration!?


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