The Untold Secret: To win over BAIF!
Ramanathan Subramaniam Passionate Turnaround - Transformation Strategist
Focus Areas - ERP, Audits, Assessments,IT,Change, Processes,Performance, Retail Loss,Automation & Rescue failed Projects
Episode 9: Win over BAIF (final episode)
Before I tell you the rest of the story, I should explain what BAIF stands for in case you haven't heard it before: Business Application Implementation Failure.?
Episode 3 Link :
Episode 4 Link: Episode 4 :
Episode 5 Link :
Episode 7 : BAIF. The numbers say it all! :
Episode 8 : Consequences of Failures – Movie vs War vs BAIF
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Respecting an organisation’s goal to use technologies such as blockchain, contemporary ERP, and other cutting-edge technologies to satisfy business information needs and exploit these technologies is crucial.
a)?As a first step, a firm should assess its internal readiness regarding its people, processes, data, legacy systems, financial stability, risk tolerance, and strong leadership.
b)?Aside from these, there should be some knowledge or awareness of how technology-driven implementations are carried out, including challenges, change management, and meeting business needs using technologies. At no point can technology surpass business requirements. Always, business requirements take priority and precedence over technological gimmicks.
c)?To complete the enterprise readiness assessment, business need analysis, technology fitting to the business needs, and product discovery and evaluations, it is crucial to hire an independent consultant or an independent organisation.
d)?In addition, an organisation should think about hosting a workshop to prepare for the event and exchange expertise to ensure its internal users are ready before making significant investments or reducing anticipated risks related to the issue of technology implementation failures around the world.
I am confident that this will be money well spent.
e)?There are precise prescribed processes and methods for information technology installations, huge ones involving organisations that begin with need analysis, current status assessment, and future business outlook and also cover more than a dozen processes and criteria for successful technological project implementations.
Considering these, pre-implementation activities may aid in improving implementation management.
f)????Apart from these, the executive management or project sponsors should actively participate in all crucial phases of implementation rather than just sponsoring the project. It will occasionally show the business process in practice, the degree of current automation, complexity, and people's attitudes toward change management.
During implementation, more likes and dislikes will also become apparent. However, for any organisation, but especially for the sponsors, these will be priceless gems of real-world knowledge. Additionally, involvement will support quick course correction and direction setting to guarantee the assignment's goal and investment protection.
g)?Change management, specifically organisational behaviour change management, is an additional important part. Providing staff training in professional change management skills will make a difference. Change or desired change and the path from the existing condition to the desired state is always central to change management. Managing crucial components such as transition, communication, stakeholders, opposition, and culture is vital for behavioural change inside an organisation. These are essential for any technology-driven implementation or change.
h)??People are the key to any change. Implementation without people does not occur in any organisation.
When forming project teams, looking for people with a strong commitment, a sense of ownership, subject matter expertise, a desire to work as a team, and the ability to work under and withstand pressure is critical.
?Other essential personality traits include
i)?????Having Analytic skills, having unbiased views, and working like an army man also matter.
Therefore, the firm must devote considerable time to identifying and assembling a team. Although this may be challenging, professionals can work on it, analyse it, and provide input. Preparing for a large-scale implementation may be one of the most critical aspects of the upcoming project's implementation.
In some of my previous consulting assignments
I ran targeted workshops for users, going over many parts of a planned implementation from the start to sign-off.
Topics covered in these workshops include test case preparation, go-live preparation, feedback sharing, product evaluation, implementation partner evaluation, approver activities and responsibilities, how to get involved in the requirement gathering phase, product demo and training, activities during the product demo, and many more. Tailoring specific topics to suit an organisation's proposed implementation will have to be taken up.
Some organisations hired me to help accomplish the best outcomes possible. Therefore, executing such activities as above would be highly beneficial to any organisation planning on project implementation.
It's important to carefully scrutinise a technology implementation partner's skills, clients, industries served, product experience, industry and personal backgrounds of key staff, and financial stability, among other things.