“Until you’ve learned to drive, you’ve never really learned how to swear.”
Vedrana Bogdan ??
Solution Consulting Manager @ Workday | World is evolving fast. We′re helping our customers get the most out of Workday solutions so they can focus on what they do best and lead the future of work.
If the "been there" light bulb ?? went on in your head after reading the title, this article may be for you. If you couldn′t relate, but you often feel like all the other drivers are honking at you even when you′re doing everything right - then please read this through carefully and maybe even take a driving lesson or two to get the expert help you probably need.
No, I am not talking about you, Mike, but the fact is that nearly 80% of drivers express significant anger, aggression or road rage. So if you don′t feel it, you′re probably the one causing it - it′s just common sense.
Let′s talk about driving, then. Few weeks ago I wondered: “Why do people drive in the zoom-zoom lane if they can’t drive the zoom-zoom speed?!” Then I thought about it some more and I realized that the only thing worse than these guys (and gals, no room for bias here) are the ones who stick to the middle lane and cruise at the same speed all way long.
As I was driving down the autobahn, at my own pace, I realized that our driving styles ??? have much to do with how we are driving our careers ????. So if you are here for the tips and tricks on driving both, this is indeed your lucky day. Here are few #AutobahnLessons to keep in mind at all times:
Autobahn lesson #1: Slower traffic stays to the right
When joining the autobahn you′re at the slower speed compared to other drivers. You will use this lane to build up the speed before you are ready to overtake other vehicles. It′s perfectly fine to drive at your own pace, for as long as you are not interrupting other drivers. Monopolizing the middle lane to do this, especially if you′re slower than the right lane, puts other drivers at risk and distress.
When joining a new company/job/team, you usually need some time to learn and understand how you can best contribute with your specific skill-set. Use this time to understand how the new environment ticks and where you fit. Once you feel comfortable, shift gears and move on to the next lane and next stage of your employee journey. And don′t forget to reflect on every milestone along the way. However, if you take on too many tasks and projects in your effort to move to the middle lane as quickly as possible, this will not make you a hero, but it will slow down those who have to wait for you to finish your part so they can complete theirs. From hero to zero in matter of seconds.
Autobahn lesson #2: Double check your side-view mirror before moving to the left lane
Some sections of the autobahn in Germany have no speed limit, which means that you can be cruising the road at the “recommended speed” and other drivers can appear out of nowhere passing you as if you were standing still.
At work, timing is crucial. If there is another job opportunity, project or relationship that you want to build, and if you wait too long to make the most of it - the window of opportunity will close. Sometimes for good. Don′t overthink it – have that meaningful conversations, make plans, explore your career interests – give it a try or you will cry later. If you don′t know where to start - creating your own Career Worksheet to stay on track of your goals and dreams is a pretty good start.
Autobahn lesson #3: The “Zipper Rule”
Here in Germany, when one lane is closed or merges into another, the "zipper rule" goes into effect. This means that cars go one at a time alternating from each direction, regardless of who has the right-of-way. It′s an effecient way how they keep the traffic going, even when things go wrong.
At work we often depend on actions and work of others. Success usually depends on how all the parts of the big machine work together. If there′s a “jam” that you′re trying to resolve, you have two options to do this. You can push your idea go through, which can leave the rest of the team feeling irrelevant, broken and frustrated. The other way is to move along jointly, following the zipper rule, step by step, creating enough room for everyone′s ideas, wants and needs. That culture doesn′t happen over night - so why don′t you start reinventing the way you collaborate with your leaders and teams today to give them a reason to succeed tomorrow? The only thing you will break this way are the barriers between teams and information silos.
Autobahn lesson #4: Wherever you go, always use your blinkers
Changing the lane? Leaving the autobahn? Unexpected traffic jam ahead? You should let the other drivers know what′s coming up so they can continue their journey independently.
At work, try to openly communicate your development goals and career plans. Use continuous conversations to be transparent about the work you are doing, and seek feedback and support where needed. Don′t be afraid to speak up when things are not going the way you expected. If you′re a manager or a leader – work on building trusted relationships throughout your organization. At the end of the day, it′s the trust we have in our peers, teams and other drivers that usually makes the ride safe and get′s us to where we want to be!
Wear your seatbelt and keep safe,