Until the win , the game is never over
Rohit Shrivastava
WW SI Labs Business Technology Leader | IBM Ecosystem Engineering | [email protected] | IT Sales | Marketing and Financial Technology | Data Warehousing |Cloud Tech| Artificial Intelligence | WatsonX
One of the highest downloaded games in the last few years on any platform is ‘Ludo King’. Ludo King was first released on February 20, 2016, on the Apple App Store, and has consistently ranked No. 1 in the Top Free Games Section of both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. With various versions on numerous platforms, this age-old simple game has scored over many other feature-packed high graphics games but remained unbeaten. And other than the lockdown due to corona, the reason for its admiration is its?simplicity?which appeals to all the age groups and?brings them together.??
While the Ludo game was on among the family members, the youngest in the family, a kid of 7 years, was not permitting others to go to sleep. She was beaten in 10 straight rounds but was not interested to leave. Her attitude was – “Until I win, the game is not over, and until the game is over, nobody quits “. The family played 11 more rounds and finally, the kid won & went to sleep only after the peaceful win.??
Can we all not have the same attitude towards life to never quit until we win? Facing rejections; facing meetings where nobody shows up; times when the expected support doesn’t stand for you; Despite the darkness all around, your dream and zest to succeed remains so bright that you continue to stay put without thinking to quit. Reviewing your strategy each moment and reiterating that it is not over until?you win.??
“Your strength doesn't come from winning. It comes from struggles and hardship. Everything that you go through prepares you for the next level.”
We must hold on to our dreams, there may be moments that make us doubt on self. The rough times don’t stay but your attitude to remain undeterred?must stay.?Strength builds in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.?