Until we meet again, dad
To my dearest dad,
Today would have been your birthday, you almost made it to add one more year to your life. Sometimes unexpected incidents occur in our life. The last years, we noticed that you got weakened, became skinnier, your voice almost disappeared, you did not go out as much as before the pandemic and was not the happy social person you used to be. Of course we realised that you became more ill, but we always hoped and prayed that you would stay with us as long as you possibly could. So it is safe to say that we were aware it could happen, but still we were not ready for it.
I would like to honour your memory by writing this blog about you, dad. Not because you were the most famous, not the richest or the most heroic dad, but just because you were my dad. You made an impact on your family and friends lives, and that is what matters. As long as we are here, you will always be remembered and not forgotten. All we can cherish now that you are gone, is all the good memories and remember the good times. Sure you had your flaws and made mistakes just like anyone else, but that is just being a human being.
I must say dad, you did your best. Since the doctors at the hospital informed us this summer that the end came closer for you, we realised but did not quite want to accept the fact so we hoped you could hold on for a bit longer. Despite your aphasia and your muscle disease that made you dependent on the wheelchair, you held on until this autumn. I must say mum and I appreciated the additional time with you to prepare for what was coming, but also to cherish the remaining time together.? ?
A study friend of mine told me many years ago, that when her little brother passed away, she could clearly see he was gone and that his face changed. It is not until many years later, while I watched my father take his last breath and noticed all the colour in this face disappear that I realised the truth behind these words. I could literally see that my father was no longer among us and that his faced changed. It was a sad moment, but I appreciated that he could pass away peacefully with his family present until the end. For my dad′s sake I was happy he did not have to die alone without anyone around him at the end. I am truly grateful that the hospital staff notified us in advanced to give us the opportunity to be there until the end. ?
When I was around 4-5 years old, I naively told people I wanted to get married to my dad when I became an adult. Ironically years later, life came in the way, and even though my dad lived a long life, he did not get to see either of his daughters married nor experience grand children. I know he would have loved that, but as my younger sister passed away many years ago that opportunity slipped. Even though I did not plan my life like this, it turned out that I would not fulfil his dream either.?
They say that time will heal your sorrow. The sorrow will not disappear, but it will fade some as years pass by and make it possible to live with your sorrow. Since I feel I am a bit off track now with the passing of my dad, while I spend some time to recover and hopefully ?bounce back? to life perhaps now is the time I will finally change my life? Perhaps now I will find a new path or a new door of opportunities that I did not know existed will appear? I know it will take time, so while I let time go by to heal my sorrow, only time will tell what my future has in store for my life now.
I hope somehow you are watching over us from above, dad. You are now free from pain and hospitals and not being able to move around without a wheelchair. Rest in peace dad.?
?Until we meet again
It′s farewell my friend
See you in the end
Don′t you worry ′bout me…?