Until Unity--Drawing the Church Together09
Nancy E. Head
Teacher, Author of Wandering Swallow, now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other booksellers, Speaker, DTM, Colson Fellow.
“When love is shallow, all it takes is something as trivial as a disagreement to divide us.” Francis Chan,?Until Unity~
Christian accord–another word for unity–is something my heart has pursued for years. Now Francis Chan writes from his heart about the necessity for Christians to set aside our differences and move forward as the one Church Christ prayed we would be in John 17.
“The glory that you have given me?I have given to them,?that they may be one even as we are one,??I in them and you in me,?that they may become perfectly one,?so that the world may know that you sent me and?loved them even as?you loved me,”?John 17: 22-23.
But that hasn’t happened. Instead, over the years, centuries even, we have continued to divide ourselves over our interpretations of scripture.
Too often, we point to others as the problem. Maybe, Chan points out in his new book, the problem is us.
“In many ways, we have lost a sense of the true holiness of God, and that has caused pride to grow and fester in the church. Everyone seems to start out with the assumption that his or her opinion of God is right, rather than recognizing that all of us have an incomplete, flawed knowledge of God.”
Scripture permeates Chan’s text. He supports his assertions with God’s Word at every turn.
And Chan is stalwart in his devotion to essential Christian doctrine. He does not promote a false, Kumbaya awakening where we discard the basic tenets of faith for a superficial connection to nominal “believers”.
I recommend a great many books in this space. But this book presents, more than an intriguing read. As Chan points out unity is crucial to the future of the Church–and the eternity of many currently outside the Church.
Christ prays for us to be one “so the world may know.”
For us, unity is “not optional.”
Read this book.
Pray for unity among Christians. Love other Christians who are faithful followers even if they aren’t of your tradition.
Turning our corner of the world around may just be that simple.
Photo Credit:?Unsplash
Nancy E. Head’s?Restoring the Shattered?is out in paperback!?Get your copy here!
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