Until Next Time!!
From the age of Neanderthals to Human, some animals to plants, the most important thing that connect us is Communication. In any form, a picture or a language we share, may it be verbal, let it be body language. Its more important to understand the expression and emotion to relate and to empathize, and less important how we pronounce a few words as long as the meaning in communicated.
The social norms of expression is restrictive, because the comprehension of mega scale of universe is magnificent and of course scary. But the magical beauty of it is so capturing that its impossible to let go of the addiction of salvation, "the Moksha".
Sometimes the intention is much different from the formal manifestation. But how do we trust the unknown and unseen. We say we believe in God or the catalyst of chemical reaction today known as the Universe, we miniscule humans look for logical explanations with a limited understanding and a shorter vision of the world (universe) around us. Still with pride and ego of all knowing smartness, we barge in and we claim the validity of the GOD. If I am them, I would laugh really, for the childish arrogance and the suffering humans are so unaware of.
What it is, is it I? the ego of self-validation, I am smart and I am all knowing, or may it be the geniuses in the world, well known today as Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolas Tesla, or our next door neighbor Einstein, or is it just the library of information flowing through me, the all knowing Universe and I am just a medium.
There always going to be questions, the fact finds, why nots and whys? But there is always one constant answer to everything - we are here to play a part, we will play it, and then we have to move on. It will be by force, hence with suffering or in peace and accepting the role that we play, finally reaching "Moksha" but until then smiling, and enjoying the awe worthy journey.?